Brush Guard choices.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brush Guard choices....


Active Member
December 9, 2000
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97 XLT 5.0 AWD
I have a 97 Black V8 XLT and I'm lookin to buy a Brush Guard. I'm pretty sure of the style I want, I want it black and with bars across the headlights...can everyone who has pictures of brush guards post them, I'm lookin at everything, WAAG, Westin, Manik.

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here's the manik one piece brush guard. looks good, and is hella tough. saved my bumper on more than one occasion


hope this helps

i think Manik makes the best looking brushguard.

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This is a Manik one piece guard. It's been great, I've even hit a few people with it :confused: (cars that is, not actual people). The are two draw backs though, one is since it is one piece it has to be shipped truck freight so your looking at least $80 in shipping. The other draw back is that you can not mount a winch to it. So if a winch is in your future don't get this one.

Another vote for the Manik...


I'm not a big fan of brushguards, but Manik makes some really nice looking ones. It's making me want one! NO!! :confused:

well you guys have convinced me. Soon I will be the happy new owner of a manik one-piece:) . Now can you guys tell me where I might be able to order one (online or not)?

Thanx in advance

I ordered mine through the Sear's automotive catalog. Beware, truck freight is the only option for shipping the one-piece guard. So be expecting around $80 for shipping.

I've got a Rhino !

I love mine it has also saved me acouple of times. Take a look a my link below. [Meet Trinity]

If you want a winch you can always get the Hidden Hitch for the front. That way you can mount it when you need to other wise it stays safe and clean at home. That is the route I will eventually go.

Yes the Maniks are nice but remember that even those are a bit different. I believe that for you 99 you may have the choice of the 2!
The early model [=| |=] Like BlueSteel's
the newer ones [=\ /=] Like BigTig's

Hope it helps!

a locak 4x4 shop will be able to hook you up. costs less than online because you don't pay as such for shipping. as long as you can drive over to the shop to pick up the brush guard.
