BTF 3" spacers actual thickness? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BTF 3" spacers actual thickness?


Elite Explorer
March 31, 2021
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City, State
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer NBX 4.6 4x4
What's the actual thickness of the BTF 3 inch spacers. Site says 3 inch front and 2.5 inch rear but how thick are they really?

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I figured someone out there either has them or know someone who does.

It probably doesn't matter. I’m guessing they about max everything out as well.

Also, an inch of spacer doesn’t necessarily equate to an inch of lift.

The 3 and the 2.5 is the extra height addition to the stock vehicle height nor the spacers thickness of coarse

Because of the suspension geometric wishbone construction it is not 1 to 1 scale.

If you want to build your own spacers and you need this dimensions,jack lift the vehicle frame for say 25.4mm ,make a spring coil to coil dimension before minus after you lifted the vehicle and compare to the 1 inch dimension (front and rear springs separately)

The maximum spacer thickness you could use without changing the strut upper studs is approx 8mm.the front spacer must be higher than the rear for approx 30 percent to get the vehicle leveled.

If plastic spacers used, be aware of the plastic torque deformation.i mean, nylon spacers will need to be retorqued approx twice after vehicle suspension seated

I had a guy who happens to have a set measure them for me. He said that the 3 inch kit is actually 2 inches thickness for the front spacer and 1.75 inches thick for the back.

And, why does that matter?

And, why does that matter?
Out of curiosity. I wanted to get an idea of the ratio. There are some folks who want to know these things if they want to build their own spacers or something. Also, if someone happens to get a set, they know what to expect.
