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Budget 2track 1994 sport

Lift coils


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Procomp 2119 going to take some fab work to make these fit


Its alot of work but coil buckets, coils radius arms and there brackets are in. Rear leafs and shocks are done. Just have to button up the front and do brake lines and im done with the outside of the truck. Next is inside. At the dunes last year my buddy broke the passenger seat when i was hopping around. Hes about 350lbs. So i ordered some racing seats and 4 point harnesses

Getting close


Added another explorer to the household. 2013 xlt


After Being gone for awhile im back. I got married and just got back from thailand. I drove my 2013 explorer into a lake so its gone. But i did purchase a 2015 F250 powerstroke to replace it. Now having a tow vehicle i am getting back at the First gen Explorer. and first on the list is a engine swap. Things are about to get interesting on this explorer.
