Buggy kinda... 94 Explorer Sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Buggy kinda... 94 Explorer Sport


Explorer Addict
August 31, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
St. Joseph, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 1 ton Jeep
Traded my Jeep I built for few things, and I ended up with a 94 Sport I modded in the past for a friend. Currently has trashed body, 4.0 5spd, TTB 4.56s, Powertrax front, 8.8 Artec trussed rear. Gunna be parting out Suspension and axles after New years. Missouri-no shipping... :)


Been watching Black friday sales and stock piling..

Here are current pics..

Hint -I like the lines of the F-Toy Chassis on Toyotas.

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I like F-Toys a lot, so planning on doing something similar, gotta go wheeling new years day and then finish tearing body down, keeping the cowl panel with vin and some of floor.

Pic is example I stole from I-Net


I'm going to run-
FW 76 Dana 44 front
9in rear
3.5 Duff coils in front
Ballistic fab Front coil mounts, with custom arms I'm building
Rear Duff coils, 4 link, Artec 4link brackets
Fuel cell
no body- tubed out
Warn M8000
Driver heated and lumbar support Corbeau JP seat
Pass JP seat
Crow 3in Padded 5 Point Harnesses
5.13 or 5.38 gears.
Rear spool.
Front Detroit
Goal 3500 lbs or less.
35-37in tires.

In for updates... Planning something similar in the near future and keeping it street legal (in the south anyway).

yes, i plan to be able to still get street legal also.

Took explorer out for some last wheeling today before cutting top off. Had a Blast!!!

my friends i wheel with help encourage the remove the body idea lol.
Here is my friends 1 ton Grand Cherokee

Also do have JD32 manual bender on the way.

edit-canceled order and borrowing JD3

Finally had a chance to cut tabs of 9in, and almost finish stripping the rear, to prep for 4 link, cut front leaf spring mounts off today, weld up 4 link brackets, start to plate the frame and reinforce where the brackets go. Decide on amount of stretch. The good news is running fw 9in, no mods to rear of frame to fit coil bucket towers on outside of frame rail, plenty of tire clearance.

Yea, cheap & fun is the goal.

Also able to roll over- but hopefully not.. and keep going..

Picked up 100ft of 1.75 tube today, and some 1.75 .25 thick Dom for my upper rear 4 link bars, hoping to get 4 link all mocked up, it's getting close.

Then few more little things and I'm gunna start bending tube.

Working on 4 link this weekend, in-between baby naps and life. LOL slow going. Need to design truss and get upper links mounted.

What coils are you using in the rear?

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Getting further, still need to pull axle out and finish welding, box the truss in.
Also bent my first tube for the cage today.

I used 1/4 thick 7in tall plate to box frame in, goes little higher than top of the rail and at the bottom I but them so i could weld shut, and then my bracket would still slide under flush. Artec 4 link frame brackets. I also box the frame completely to help support the outer 7in plate. In front of the brackets will be used as a spot to tie into cage for more support.
