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Build thread - Skyforger

Maybe we all need to arrange a Western PA Explorers get-together sometime this summer? Because of my fire department, I can get any of the parks in Ross Township for free. Cook out some food, bit of a car show?

Today, I stripped out my headliner and started actually laying things out correctly. New antenna holes were made beside the beacon light for 800MHz and scanner, UHF and VHF antennas were relocated to the top of the safari rack, and wiring for the flood light was actually ported through the roof. Next up, I'll be working on the wiring for the side-warning red LEDs on the rack, as well as future connections for side and rear LED flood lighting. My new switches have arrived, and I will be turning a 2"x8" steel blank panel for my console into a switch panel.

The interior is torn apart right now, but it's all for the better.

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New photos of the completed roof rack/warning light install/antenna relocation project:

Wolo Power Beam beacon & Maxrad NMO 900MHz BMax antenna (used for scanner).


Custom Maxrad/Motorola hybrid NMO-mounted 800MHz gain antenna with spring.


Elevated VHF antenna mount & LED warning light on passenger side of rack.


Elevated UHF antenna mount & LED warning light on driver side of rack.


Front & rear views of the new lighting, now active.



And with that, the roof project is complete!



Time for a light off

In not finshed but I'm thinking a competive light off may have to take place in the near future. I'm only on day two of install so there's alot more to come




I'm not trying to hijack your thread. There are just not enough of us with POV emergence response vehicles.

Your location is an AFB?

Is that a low-split UHF Motorola Astro Spectra, flashed for P25 overlaid on Smartzone trunking, with a W3 head I see?

Your location is an AFB?

Is that a low-split UHF Motorola Astro Spectra, flashed for P25 overlaid on Smartzone trunking, with a W3 head I see?

I live about 20min north of Los Angeles County in Kern County on the same street as the AFB it's about 10-15 blocks past my home. My house is surrounded by NASA and AF officers lets just say when you get rocket scientists and pilots together on the 4th of July things get crazy. I just say Edwards Air Force base because it's a major landmark. Edwards AFB is home to NASA, the " Skunk Works " birth place of the SR71 black bird and either the stealth bomber or fighter. It also where air force drone pilots are. They fly the drones in the Middle East from here.

You were kinda close on the radio. It's a UHF S-split 450-520 XTS5000 in a XTVA with a W3 HHCH AND A 50. Watt amp. The radio is in the rear of the truck with 7 XTL5000 and two mobile repeaters. The W3 allowed me to control my XTS completely from the front seat then on a call out I grab it out of the XTVA and go with a full battery still waiting on my K9 partition that restricts my dogs movement to the rear passenger of the car so he doesn't slide around when I'm roiling code 3 ( it's kinda hard on the leather.

Laptop in the stand is a Motorola ML900 if you look in the passenger seat you'll see my old Toughbook CF30. It. Was time to upgrade


If you click on the tiny picture at the bottom it's a video.

Still not even close to being done.

Your location is an AFB?

Is that a low-split UHF Motorola Astro Spectra, flashed for P25 overlaid on Smartzone trunking, with a W3 head I see?

clicking on link says video renamed or deleted

Skyforger is dead. Skyforger II has taken it's place. I'll post details later.

What roof rack is that and were you happy with it overall?

Skyforger is dead. Skyforger II has taken it's place. I'll post details later.

Well that sucks. I'm interested to see what's next.

I re uploaded that video as a YouTube link it should work now. I've changed out a lot of the lighting I just haven't had a chance to shoot new video

I will be constructing a build thread for Skyforger II very soon.

YTF0rd - The rack is an Iron Fist safari basket.

So, here's the story - When I bought this truck, I was skeptical because of the rust around the gas door, genetic body rot over the back passenger fender, and the fact that I bought it from a friend who once named it the "DUImobile" gave me pause as to it's structural integrity, but everything looked OK.

When I tore off the running boards, and they were packed with grass and dirt, and the rockers were pretty much gone, I knew there would be rust repair involved. I scoured the underside and put rust converter everywhere, and finished it with a coat of undercoating. I cut out the rockers and doglegs and replaced them.

Then my foot went through the driver's side floorboard getting in it one morning. Then the AC crapped out. I put a new floorpan in, removed all of the emergency and communications equipment, and sold it on craigslist for $700.

About a week before I sold it, I found a 1998 Mercury Mountaineer for sale in nearly perfect condition, with just over 100K on the clock. It was local to me, and was only $1800.

It has been prepped and the work has started - Skyforger II.

Can't wait to see what happens with Skyforger II, especially since I have a 97 Merc. Will you post a link to the new thread here?
