For Sale - Bunch of 2nd gen front end parts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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For Sale Bunch of 2nd gen front end parts


And den
August 22, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Raleigh, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport 4wd
Basically everything I removed. All parts in good shape save for normal wear parts (ball joints, etc)

Front calipers $25 each
Control arms (upper & lower) $10 each
Front Spindles $20 each
Torsion bars & assorted items (let me know what you need)
4.10 front diff $75
Two cv axles $20 each - SOLD
Good hubs $30 each
Steering rack (no leaks, still tight) $50

All of it OBO buyer pays shipping.

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dude i need those tbars...and controll arms

how much would shipping to 08053 be for both cv's?

how many miles do they have?

what you want for the t bars maneee.. throw the keys and skid plates? haha

I'll buy the front diff. my zip code is 17841 Thanks

Even though I'm much for the hubs shipped to zip 64155

Did you sell the front diff?

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