BUYER BEWARE CARID.COM CALIPER COVER PURCHASE | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
October 9, 2018
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Gatineau, Quebec
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Gatineau, QC, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Explorer XLT V6
At the end of March 2019 I was ready to pull the trigger on purchasing beautiful red caliper covers. My go to site is always amazon but all sellers were

out of stock. I found a site called located near SanDiego Ca. The callipers were very expensive. About $375 Canadian PLUS Shipping.

I really wanted these so I placed my order online. About 2 minutes after placing my order I called the sales team at to confirm I bought the correct callipers.

At this price I didn’t want to leave anything to chance. The rep I spoke with confirmed my purchase would fit perfectly on my explorer and went ahead with the online sale.

About two weeks later I get a bill from Canadian customs to release the package I needed to pay another $45. So now I'm $375 for the order + shipping $70 + $45 for duties totalling $490!!!!

Needless to say I was a little frustrated with all these extras I had to pay but nevertheless couldn’t wait to get the order and install them. I finally get them and they look AWESOME.

The next day I go to my friends mechanic house to initiate the install and BOOOOOOOM they do not fit. They are way to small and don’t cover the calipers. I immediately call and start an investigation.

After about 10 calls and countless emails with pics and videos and a week later they come back and say sorry they shipped me the wrong ones. With my vin apparently I have

a bigger brake package. They offer two things. Refund or resend the correct ones. Either decision I choose I have to pay the shipping costs to send them back and/or get the correct ones sent and pay for that shipping as well.

So I blow a gasket. I told them I had called to confirm the order in the first place and they ask who I spoke with. After speaking with at least a dozen people there by phone and email I could not remember so their reply is too bad so sad my fault.

So I blow more gaskets and they offer me a $25 voucher on their site LMAO. I told them to stick it up their arse and I would never again deal with them and they still sent me a voucher. On top of all this once I initiated the return they threatened me that if there were any scratches or anything wrong with the covers or the clips they would not refund me.

How was I supposed to make sure they fit if I couldn’t even try to see if they fit?!?!?!?!? I was pretty confident they would accept the return as I was extremely careful with the covers and the original packaging. Eureka they refunded me MINUS all the shipping costs I paid and the duties. So I lost 2 X the supping costs for $140 total + the duties so Total I lost $185 of my hard earned money and they couldn’t care less.

I purchase ALLOT of stuff online. I basically always have something in transit on its way to my house and by far this has been the worst online shopping experience I've ever had. So BUYER BEWARE.








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You paid $375 for an imitation item that actually impedes performance? Ouch.

You could have bought ACTUAL quality calipers for less, or had them professionally painted...

I wasn't trying to imitate real calipers bud!!! And I searched for brembo calipers but that was over $2000 for my car. Wasn't aware the caliper COVERS impede performance oh please do explain?

The COVERS insulate the calipers. Especially if they are plastic. Hot brakes fade and stop at a considerably longer distance. It also ruins your fluid. Heat and braking don’t mix.

I’m sure you could get Powerstops, or their equivalent, in solid colors for around $100

For $375, you could have gotten them powder coated.

I couldn’t find anyone near me that could do that in a day. I would have chosen that option for sure

I’m sure thy are on amazon and rock auto. That price is way high unless it includes the rotors and pads .

You paid a lot for covers, especially for covers that don't fit. I don't understand how a company ships you the wrong parts, then expects you to pay for shipping. You should have been refunded the entire cost and given an apology.

I still don't really understand paying that much for caliper covers. You could have painted yours.
caliper paint in eBay Motors | eBay

You paid a lot for covers, especially for covers that don't fit. I don't understand how a company ships you the wrong parts, then expects you to pay for shipping. You should have been refunded the entire cost and given an apology.

I still don't really understand paying that much for caliper covers. You could have painted yours.
caliper paint in eBay Motors | eBay
There’s two sizes of calipers for the year. He ordered the wrong ones.

With the $45 rebate, that still works out to $390 CDN + duty fee.
Still a way better value over performance reducing covers. And, I did say $100, so I’m pretty on track.

There’s two sizes of calipers for the year. He ordered the wrong ones.
"After about 10 calls and countless emails with pics and videos and a week later they come back and say sorry they shipped me the wrong ones. With my vin apparently I have"

Well that is a really ****ty story. I would have initiated a charge back with your credit card company and only way they would get their stuff back is with a prepaid label.

I also would have complained to my CC company and asked them to do a charge back, BEFORE I returned anything.

Looking through this thread a second time, one thing sticks with me; Someone who would order caliper covers, then take them to a mechanic to do the install should maybe not mess with the purchase and install of new calipers. At least the OP seems to know his limitations, mechanically speaking.

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"After about 10 calls and countless emails with pics and videos and a week later they come back and say sorry they shipped me the wrong ones. With my vin apparently I have"
“With my vin apparently I have a bigger brake package.”

Sounds like he wasn’t aware he had the larger brakes until after THEY decoded his VIN and told him. It would have been pure luck if he ordered the correct ones.
