BW4405 Transfer Case Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BW4405 Transfer Case Question


Well-Known Member
February 15, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
San Jose, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
OK so maybe some of you have read my other post about my transfer case basically exploding, (my car uses a Borg Warner 4405 t-case), if not here's the link:

So after scowering this site, ebay and the internet in general, I found a few options in the replacement catagory, but after weeding out the people that never return e-mails after initially offering the part I need, I finally came down to one good deal. The transfer case that I found has about 89,000 miles on it, and includes the shift motor for around $300 shipped. Now, after talking to the person who's selling it, he doesn't know exactly what kind of condition it's in, but offered a warranty for free. This leads me to my question, what he has listed is "4405-12 XL24-CA" Here is a photo he took of it, there are a bunch of numbers but I don't know what any of them mean.


So here are the bottom line questions:

1. Will this transfer case work in my car? (I don't want to buy something this expensive only to find that it is the wrong one for my car)

2. If I need to, how hard is it to rebuild the t-case? I can get a rebuild kit rather cheap, can I rebuild it myself? Or is that best left to the professionals? (I am very mechanically inclined, but if I need special precision-measuring instruments I would rather skip it).
