Cabin Water Leak | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cabin Water Leak

Lavelle Barker

New Member
May 24, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Wellington, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006, Mountaineer Luxury
Hey guys. I've got a 2006 Mercury Mountaineer that we keep having water leak problems out of. We've recently moved to South Florida so we get a ton of rain and I need to figure this out, quick. The first problem was there was water coming down the middle row seatbelts. A lot of water. Soaking the headliner and leaving water stains. The seatbelts line up perfectly with the roof rack so I figured they were they culprit and with some research it seems this is a common problem. We removed the roof racks and resealed all the bolt holes and reattached the rack. Now there's the problem of water coming in the map lights/front top console area where the rear air controls are. It doesn't look like the sunroof is leaking and the headliner isn't wet around the sunroof, but it is wet around the plastic on the top console. Has anyone had this problem and how did you fix it?

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Have not had the problem, but the Sunroof drains can plug up.
Think they drip out the front wheel wells.

I just fixed my sunroof problem. Open your front doors and look below your hinges. There is a black rubber circle with a hole in. This is your sunroof drain. I used a tire inflator that hooks up to your 12 volt outlet. I blew air, first up then down from the sunroof itself. Cleared it up.

Good post, just checked my drains at the car wash. They are draining but more like a trickle.

There should be 4 drains. One at each corner. I haven't looked for the rear drains yet as they seem to be working.

Common issue on 06/07 Explorer & Mountaineer built before 3/27/2007 with sunroof. Search for TSB 07-20-6

When you drop the headliner, you will see that the rear drain tubes are sloped up hill.

What drains from the sunroof? Am I missing something? I thought it sealed tight?

Water drains from the sunroof, 4 tubes.
Front 2 exit below the front door hinges. Not sure about the rear exit points.
They keep water from collecting in the closed sunroof area.

Rear drain tubes run down the "C" pillar and exit near the end of the rocker panel/front of rear wheel well.
