Cage Building Party Part Deux??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cage Building Party Part Deux???


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March 4, 2007
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anaheim hills,california
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95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4 has been mentioned a few times that a few of us need to get cages and we missed out on the last cage building party...this is where we can discuss it and hopefully it will work out as great as the last one did...:D is a link to the last party's chit chat during build...;)


Place??? (possibly at zukman's or rockranger's)


Material needed per truck???

Cost per truck???

Who is in need of a cage and wants in on this...

For Sure's

Clark Kent (BII)

Maybe's for cages

Maybe's to help

...this build will be for the constructing of the cages only...each person will be responsible to have their own vehicle final welded.. will also be responsible in removing all but driver's seat, all plastic panels, and carpet before you arrive to the party...;)
...this is a group effort and we will be asking for alot of help so remember:
...all who show up to this will be expected to not only work on their vehicle, but to assist in the work of the other vehicles as needed...:D

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I am definitely down for this can't supply a place tho not enuff room around here as it is now:( But I could bring some power tools and hand tools
hmmm but with all the runs coming in next couple months i think it gonna be hard to get date anytime soon. even tho i think sooner the better for something like this tho.:)

Hehe, i'm signing up for updates, but not definitely in. But i'm crossing my fingers. If it ends up being just a few hundred dollars each cage like it did for the previous participants, then i'll do it. :D

In response to cyber's post, what about over spring break (march 29-april 4) instead of having a pismo trip.

...i think that is too soon...maybe around june when it's warmer...we still need to find the bender's, the welder's, find the material at a good price (as it is pretty high right now), and probably a place where we can camp with our trucks if need be or we will be paying hotel too...;)

...i've got a cut off saw and some blades for it and 4 1/4" grinder's...:D

Hmmm i think for the bender we might need to get ahold Jefe and see of he still has his available.

I'm out for June. Will be out of the country all of June and half of July.

im down. i need a rear bumper for the merc and a cage for the B2. anybody got a car hauler i can borrow?

^^^lol, we haven't even started yet...i know spring break may be hard to do as most people have plans...but we'll see how it turn's out...:D

I have plenty of room.....

I know I need to add to the factgory cage in my Jeep. It only has a single bar behind the front seats.:rolleyes: I would like to make a rear bumper with a tire carier on it too.:cool:

...from the looks and time of the last build this will be strictly cages...i'm hoping some of the people involved in the last party will jump in and share some of their input...:D

hmmmm..... it may just be possible depending on dates

...if you are suggesting, maybe, at your can pick the dates...:bounce:
...i was hoping you guys would chime in as i think you guys got the material??? i was wondering the amounts needed per truck, size of material, and current cost....i also wanted to check down here on prices but i know they are going up with the fuel...
...maybe we can do a flag order for the same date...;)

...bring your MX4 out to the party...:D

...if you are suggesting, maybe, at your can pick the dates...:bounce:
...i was hoping you guys would chime in as i think you guys got the material??? i was wondering the amounts needed per truck, size of material, and current cost....i also wanted to check down here on prices but i know they are going up with the fuel...
...maybe we can do a flag order for the same date...;)

I think Steve says he used Totten Tubes to get the steel for the last cage building party.

Yes Totten Tubes is where I got the tube for the last cage party, still even have a little tube left;) I think it was under $1000 bucks for 5 trucks, 3 4dr EX's, 1 reg cab ranger, and 1 tin top zuk

The biggest thing is to get it all bent. For 5 trucks it took us the whole weekend to bend and prep, no welding! Welding probally took at least another weekend plus, on each truck. We all welded our own cages, so that nobody's liable.

I could probally e-mail Jefe, sence he has all the mesurements written down, all the 4 door explorers will be the same, 1st or 2nd gen. I'm glad to help out, sence I've done this before.;)

...coool...:thumbsup:...yea, i was wondering if you guys had templates or measurements...

...with that in mind, we could just come up and get to work without having to strip the insides of the trucks till we are ready to get them welded???...kinda just make packages for the X's and work on figuring out the topless BII of clarkkents???

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