California End Of Summer Run '07 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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California End Of Summer Run '07


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Shaver Lake Area (above fresno)

Aug 24-26

Who's interested?:D

I need to wheel!!!!!:confused:

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interested details?

Cool, 24th is my B-day...sounds like a good way to celebrate it:thumbsup:


No one else huh???:scratch:

in '04 we did Swamp Lake. 11 hours of pure trail! I some how made it through with only 33's and a locker. Not an easy trail but lots of fun;)

End of Summer run '04

they went back in '05 and I didn't make it:(
End of Summer run '05

There was no '06...Probally cause I never said anything and my truck was still in the SAS swap.'s time to go back!!!! It is so beautiful up there;)

Of course I am interested... but I don't want to say whether I can come or not. I probably won't know until the 23rd of August. :p: But I am paying attention.

Monday AM bump:cool:

Was looking through the '04 and '05 threads looks interesting/challenging let's hope we can get together a good run for '07 and not have the drama involved with the '05 run.;)

Looks like an awesome place, skid plates take a good beating up there I take it.

Almost everything is now open, Swamp should open any day now:thumbsup:


We can change date if needed.... :(

Tracy and I are going to try and run part of dusy labor day weekend with some of the people from her dads 4wd club. I dont think we are going all the way through though. Doubt I can do two weekends in a row up there.

hmm sounds like someone is finished with their

No problem Brian...I kind gave up on this run. I know Dave wasn't going to make it, because he was starting to have some issues with his motor. :thumbdwn:

I think for a bit after joining yours and Tom Rios club today:(

Yeah, I'm gonna be out for awhile probably until the fall so I can do some new mods and other repairs.

Count me in... lets me know where we are going to meet...


Ranger Al

I'm also itching for some wheeling. Count me in if something happens.

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count me in! maybe a locker some shock mounts and 14inchers by then??:D
