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California Explorer Spottings


It's green, not gray.
Elite Explorer
February 3, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Oakland, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Mountaineer
I'm a member of another forum that has a thread like this, and it's kinda cool to recognize a truck on the road and tell the owner you saw them, or to be seen by someone else who recognizes your truck. So...

Today I saw a gold 3rd gen explorer, had a pretty big lift and at least 33s on it. It was on the CSU Long Beach campus parked near the east turn-around. I've never seen it before around Long Beach.

I also see a white 3rd gen all the time, probably with the same lift and tire size, parked on Atherton in front of the apartments formerly known as Baycrest (can't think of the new name) in Long Beach.

So 2 lifted 3rd gens running around Long Beach, maybe these things are starting to become more popular now that they're getting older.

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Pics or it didnt happen :p:

I doubt you'll see the JP mobile drivin around, dosn't get out much these days:(

Mite see the wife's 4th gen around though:D

Pics or it didnt happen :p:

The white one i can get a picture of, don't know if i'll see the gold one again.

And steve, you need to lift/lower hers so it stands out from the rest of the crowd. :thumbsup:

Red 2nd gen XLS/XLT (not sure, debadged) 2WD, 35's, 3" BL, spindles. Parks at Hope University. You live a one minute walk from my house. If you see this I NEED to talk to you about those spindles!


^ Pretty sure I saw that guy in Fullerton about two years ago. Unless there are two pre-runner 1st gens in that color in Orange County (possible but not likely IMO)

Oh dang. There goes that mystery lol

Hi buddy..............I am new to this forum...........I am here to discuss relevant information about ford.

Hi buddy..............I am new to this forum...........I am here to discuss relevant information about ford.

Why does this forum not have a spam smiley?

Parked in the Fullterton CC parking lot I walk by two Explorers, one a late 2nd gen sport, and the other a black 3rd gen XLT. Both owned by women (looking at the crap in the truck) and both having completely bald tires, with literally no tread, and cracks on the side walls...I mean wtf?

have u guys seen my 01 sport around it has a so cali sticker on the rear and it has raiders stickers on it saying raider nation

Sams01XplrSprt - post pics of it, i drive a crap load, and have explorer-vision :D

i wish i lived in the states, all i see around here is jeeps,jeeps and more jeeps. i swear im the only lifted ex around here

...I've been in Newport all week and can't find Sam's sport...:(

...Sam's workplace is being remodeled so I don't know where to look...:dunno:

whos this?

vid says from Santa Carlita


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Hmmm... A video? Time for a REMIX! LOL!

