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Cam Syncro Tool


Well-Known Member
March 25, 2010
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2003 Mercury Mountaineer
I'm just wondering if anyone has a cam syncro alignment tool they would be willing to loan out. I'm willing to throw down a deposit to ensure its' safe keeping, usage, and return. I've got 2 5.0 Mountaineers that need new cam syncros, one is mine and the other is my girlfriend's. At $30+ for a tool I'll more than likely use one day it's hard to justify buying. So can anyone help me out?

I know some of the cheaper aftermarket syncros come with an alignment tool, however from what I've been reading on here I don't wanna go with a cheap one and I should either go Motorcraft or an aftermarket company that remans OEM parts. Am I right on that part or have the cheaper aftermarket stepped up the game?

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Any of the cheap plastic ones should work fine for rare use. You don't need to spend anywhere near $30 for one.

Just put the new sensor in the same relative position as the old one.
What matters is the relation between the outside wall notch (rotatable) and the central flag (fixed). When you are done, tighten the bottom bolt.

