Camaro SS 20" rims to XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Camaro SS 20" rims to XLT


Active Member
April 8, 2012
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City, State
Philadelphia, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer XLT
Anyone done it? Below are the specs I found, wondering would i have to buy spacers or would they even fit?

02' XLT:
BOLT PATTERN: 5x114.3 (5x4.5)
STUD SIZE: 1/2"x20mm
OFFSET: 25-40mm (M/H)

Camaro 2010-2013
Size: 20" x 8", 5x120.7 (5x4.75)
+35mm offset

Size 20" x 9", 5x120.7 (4.75)
+40mm offset

5x4.5 TO 5x4.75 SPACER

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more or less, no.

a few reasons i wouldn't use them on your X:

1. Wheel spacers, although not dangerous if they are constructed and installed correctly, puts additional stress on the wheel bearings due to the increased distance of the center of the wheel from the bearing itself.

2. Assuming your X is 4wd, you want all 4 wheels and tires to be the same width and diameter. when they are not, it has extremely adverse effects on your drive train and will essentially destroy your differentials.

3. the Ford gods will not be happy with you :)

The load rating of the Camaro rims will be around $700 kg (1500lbs?). The explorer needs a rim with a load rating of $850kg (1850lbs?). You run the risk of cracking a rim if you use one with a load rating that is too low. But if you do use them, you need to run the 5 x 114.3 PCD - this is the imaginary circle formed by the lug nuts. 5 x 120.7 is too far out compared to the ford PCD.

Just get a set of 20" x 9" rims suited for the Explorer - you should be able to get some on CraigsList.

:( crap lol...the plan was to get an OEM 20" wheel alloy or aluminum. Chrome is nice but you see chrome EVERYWHERE. My goal was to make it look stock but sporty and nice at the same time, and I absolutely love the camaro 20's even though it from chevy ;)

know any other 20" that would fit the explorer? The Jeep SRT? the Chrysler SRT?. Basically looking for something like this: 1:37:50 AM

Shows stock-yness, and not aftermarket. An OEM 20". :)
I know there's the Adrenaline rims, but JEEZ! they're expensive as hell (and thats for 1!!!)

ford makes OEM 18" chrome mustang wheels, look into those.

ford makes OEM 18" chrome mustang wheels, look into those.

They still won't have the correct load rating. You could use them, but your insurance may be void in the case of an accident (especially where it is determined that a rim failing is the cause).

Just look for rims with 5 x 4.5" PCD, between 20P and 40P offset (40P for 7.5 or 8" width, down to 20P if you go as wide as 9 or 9.5" - but check fitment prior to purchasing by actually trying them on, especially the front.)

I think Chrysler and Dodge are very close to Ford's PCD - it's something like 5 x 114 vs 5 x 114.3, so they may be an option, but I'd still stick with the 5 x 114.3 (4.5").

cool, thanks for the info JCUZ & wbrudi28. Do you know how hard it is to get an answer from Google? lol :banghead:

theres the 20s from the adrenalin sport trac

you could even run the new explorer wheels.

Edit: Just noticed that the hub bore is different.
Who would have guessed that Ford would drop the bore nearly 10mm.
You'll not only need the correct lug pattern but you'll also need the bore to be 70.3mm or larger. With larger you will want to also buy hub adapter rings
