CAMPING and 'Wheeling in the Boonies of Vermont! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CAMPING and 'Wheeling in the Boonies of Vermont!


Explorer Addict
December 14, 2002
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'06 Mazdaspeed6 GT
OK, so here is my promised thread of the fabled camping trip up to Vermont. So far I'm shooting for the weekend of August 14th-15th so Rfuree's, mine, and anyone else's summer finals should be over with. I'm planning to make a trip of several defunct backroads, not all as extreme as the powerlines of Brookline, but most should be passable by all. Most. Some are not, I know this from experience. :D Not to say we shouldn't try it anyways, right? For the most part it's not as rocky as Brookline, but there are several water bars on some roads which can be fun to cross. My brother in his CJ days only crossed one by gunning the mighty 4.2L after he tried to creep up the first time and got high-centered. Unlike Brookline, however, it's not as remote and is often within a couple miles of routes 4, 12, or 107, all of which have one or less turns to find an entrance ramp to I-89.

Camping will be in a cabin in Bridgewater, less than a mile's hike from where there is plenty of space to park for the night. It's a well-maintained cabin called "The Lookout." It gets the name from a platform on top of the roof which gives an excellent view of the Ottauquechee River valley. Permission to camp is based on the honors system. It's primary use is to house Long Trail hikers for the night. If anyone wants to go for one day, it's not a big deal to get back on the highway as I said. At the end of Sunday, we will stop at the Long Trail Ale brewery in Bridgewater Corners for lunch and fresh beer for whoever wants one before we hit the road back home provided we get there before 5pm. :chug: (Excellent idea, huh? :p)

More details as plans develop, stay tuned.


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Not a good weekend for me, My daughter's friend from Michigan will be visiting August 8-15, the next weekend, August 21-22nd, would be better for me, but if everyone wants to do the 14-15th weekend, I guess I'll have to wait until next time....sorry

SoBeLover said:
Not a good weekend for me, My daughter's friend from Michigan will be visiting August 8-15, the next weekend, August 21-22nd, would be better for me, but if everyone wants to do the 14-15th weekend, I guess I'll have to wait until next time....sorry

Don't give up yet...Guys (and gals), give me more input as to when is a good weekend. It could even possibly be labor day weekend for whoever wants to deal with the traffic and (the rest of the) tourists. (AKA: the rest of you guys.;)) I just think it'd be silly to have it the weekend right after the jambo trip. Hit me up with suggestions, folks!! :)

OK, so far Labor Day weekend isn't good at all for he'll be moving into his dorm that weekend. Any other suggestions?

Ahhh the campin an wheelin in VT thread... i knew it was coming!

Either the weekends of August 14-15 or 21-22 would work for me. I'd prefer the first one, but like I said, either would work.

Isaac, do we need to make reservations for the cabin, or if another group is there do we make freinds or sleep outside?

Just crash in Aaron's Mounty it already has everything! ...his new multi dimension generator has increased cargo space to 12'x12'... and don't forget the mini bar!

sweet! we shouldn't need a minibar, though...we can rent a keg from Long Trail. :p

It's not necessary, and from what I remember, not really possible to reserve the cabin. Hikers come thru and it's there for them to use. But there's plenty of room to sleep probably at least a half dozen or more. It's all open inside, with a main floor, fireplace i think, and a loft covering about half the floorspace. There's a small porch and if someone REALLY wants to, they could conceivably sleep up on the lookout platform ontop of the roof. I strongly suggest bringing CB's and a copy of the DeLorme Vermont Atlas and Gazeteer. Working GPS is always a plus but my no means necessary. :D All the trails I've been on in that area are on that map. A CB will allow us to safely seperate when necessary since this isn't just a few hours in NH.

So far I'm shooting for the weekends Aaron suggested....

either of those are fine by me, but i need to know soon, as my boss is a dick about days off, and i need to give a few weeks notice.

yes we know about your boss already. :p i'll let you know asap.

the 21-22nd would probably be the best for me...

Scormunch said:
the 21-22nd would probably be the best for me...

OK, i think the 21st/22nd would be best since Tim often works during the weekend, and it'll work for Aaron and hopefully everyone else. Sound good, guys?


is my j**per buddy allowed to join? :p

rfuree11 said:
is my j**per buddy allowed to join? :p

Sure! There are a couple trails that the explorers may not make it thru; i remember one where my bro's CJ squeezed between a couple trees, with the tires rubbing each one. his was mostly stock except for 31's.

if he comes, he'll be in a ZJ, so the majority of us can outwheel him :)

rfuree11 said:
if he comes, he'll be in a ZJ, so the majority of us can outwheel him :)

hahahaha. (Which one is a ZJ?)

Oh, by the way, I have Matt (FordExplorer157), the only other EF Vermonter planning to come too. Got to meet him this weekend, really an awesome guy. I only regret not meeting him sooner. :cool:

Matt, let me know what other details you need. So far I don't have much more to say other than what is in this thread. You'll have no problem parking your X with ours. It's not difficult to drive thru. Not a real trail at all; more of a bumpy back road. I need to find my atlas though and get studying.

izackary said:
hahahaha. (Which one is a ZJ?)
a 93 grand cherokee
he tends to break it a lot

that's ok, my bro and his (former) friend broke a cherokee wheeling out there too :p

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The 21st and 22nd work best for me. Who knows maybe we can have another stag party.
