Can anyone help with 6R60 Problem ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can anyone help with 6R60 Problem ?


November 17, 2018
Reaction score
Essex, UK
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 limited
Hi Guys i did post in the Gen4 explorer area before about a problem i was having with Torque Converter shudder and dropping in and out of lock up.
So from the information i could find it sounded like a bad Torque converter which i have now replaced
but from the first drive as soon as it attempted lock up i am now getting a P0741-ff code
Not sure if its a damaged Torque converter as was a bit bashed up during shipping?
Or do i have a tcc solenoid fault?
Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can offer

Sounds like a bad replacement converter to me. What brand converter did you use?

Sounds like a bad replacement converter to me. What brand converter did you use?
Was a genuine ford remanufactured one part no 8L2Z-7902-ARM from a dealer on your side of the pond sourced via Ebay
I am going to try and contact the dealer see if they can help?
