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Car seats question

No way, seriously the Ex is too small.
It will still be too small later on with
booster seats, but I guess then the 3rd row will help.

3 seats in 2nd row do fit I have seen it, nay, driven it I say...
But not 2 infant seats,1 toddler.

(def cannot with inf seatbelts, cant LATCH 3 in 2nd row,
only 2 can latch - L or R -not middle,
middle seat is barely a seat - its barely a spot never mind seat,
middle seatbelt will be the bane of your car)

You need the exact right seats and messing-with-the-belt-time is every-time.
No one can reach them in between 2 seats,
add a 3rd and you have belt gridlock. The kids wont be able to do it either.

I bet you would bump your head more on the Ex too.

If you can and you will keep the car, go bigger, everyone will enjoy it more.
...and dont get black holy mother is it ever hotter than hell,
the cabin retains heat for a long time.


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I think the take home message across this thread is 3 carseats in the 2nd row will work depending on the carseat but gets a very high PITA score.

Go bigger if you can. FWIW, the 2009 Odyssey fits 2 Diono Radians at the two outboard seats and a Chicco infant seat in the middle using seatbelt installation without issues. Our 2008 Suburban is even easier to fit 3 across.

Middle is the safest for children. Unfortunately it doesn't work in the Ex as there are no Latch mounts and it's too narrow for a car seat anyway.

Agreed but if you have to, install carseat behind the driver as most drivers tend to steer away (exposing the passenger side) from collisions. Depending on the driver's height though, this may not be possible.

Just traded in my beloved Sport this weekend because of this. We only have two, but my wife wanted to be able to sit between them if needed.

Ironically, the F-150 is a better baby hauler for us and we can properly tow now too.

We're loving our '14 FX4 Screw!

My wife had a 2013 Exploder Sport with second row bucket seats. Then she decided to get pregnant. We thought that the Exploder was big enough that we could put a rear-facing car seat behind the passenger and it would not be a problem. But, as you know, it is a problem. Sure, someone short could sit in front of it, but only for short periods of time. The wife was itching for a new color anyhow, so she decided to go find one with a bench seat.

So we drove to the dealership up the road from us with our carseat. We pulled up to the first Exploder with a bench seat (also happened to be a Sport). We opened it, put the car seat in the middle, and ran both front seats all the way back. BINGO, it worked out fine! We could still go on long trips with the two of us and the child in relative comfort.

So the dealership found a Sport in her desired color with the 2nd row bench seat. She had to have all the electronics which meant inflatable seat belts. But we didn't see how that would matter since the kid would be in the middle.

When we got home with the car, we started to strap in the carseat (Chicco KeyFit 30). We noticed that the base of the car seat is the perfect size to slide between the seatbelts. We also noticed that the plastic base of the carseat and the plastic hinge cover on the middle seat will rub, which makes for a slippery surface and guaranteed scratching. So to fix that, we grabbed a Prince Lionheart Seatsaver. It stopped the slipping, but is so wide that it completely covers the seat belt female ends for the two outside seats. They are just about inaccssible with the Seatsaver in place, so it may have to be replaced with a towel.

So, the Exploder should be fine as long as it is just the three of us. We will put the carseat in the middle of the second row which is safest and allows easier access to the child from the front seat. On the few occasions when we have other people with us, we will have to either move the carseat or have someone sit in the third row. When the child is actually large enough to transition to a front facing seat (which seems to be further and further away) we will explore the possibility of putting the seat behind the passenger.

Heaven forbid that my wife decides to have another child!

Just traded in my beloved Sport this weekend because of this. We only have two, but my wife wanted to be able to sit between them if needed.

Ironically, the F-150 is a better baby hauler for us and we can properly tow now too.

We're loving our '14 FX4 Screw!

The Cheat, losing the Sport is not an option. The wife has to have her power (she traded in a Lightning for the first Sport). But our second vehicle is a '13 FX4 Screw. You're correct, it is a perfect baby hauler.

Oh the days of having to only deal with one carseat install. Seems like eons ago...

Bench or Bucket 2nd Row Seats 2016 Limited

Trying to make the final decision on our 2016 Limited before ordering it. Trying to decide on bucket or bench 2nd row seat. We currently have a 2013 Explorer XLT and have the bench seat. We have two kids, one 3 and one 9, so we have a full car seat and a booster seat in second row. We are thinking about having one more kido, but haven't decided for sure yet. We take a few road trips a year to visis family and rest of time it is just us 4.

Anyone have a similar family makeup and have an Explorer now with the 2nd row captain chairs that has positive or negative feedback. We see pros and cons to both, but wanted to see if we could get some feedback from others that might already have this setup in vehicle.

Also I noticed on the 2016 that there is a button that automatically folds down the chairs. When we demoed the feature the seat slapped forward pretty quick. With my 3 year old boy he is into everything and kind of concerned me how this seat went forward so forcefully. Is there a way to disable this button or adjust the speed the seat closes. Anyone had any negative experience with young kids and this feature? Thanks in advance for any responses.

If you are going to have a third child while having this vehicle then there is only one option. You should get the 2nd row buckets with no console. Your oldest child can not so easily climb into the back through the space between seats. You will most likely have 2 car seats occupying the 2nd row buckets for awhile and neither will be able to fold down. Assuming one is forward facing, your oldest child will have to maneuver around forward facing child seat to get to back.
A friend just traded in her Ex with 2nd row bench. She has 3 kids (3rd was an ooopsi) and 2 were in car seats. Her oldest had to get in through the rear lift gate to access 3rd row. Lol

It's just my wife and I but my dealer suggested the second row buckets w/o console to make it easier for our early teen-age grand daughters to get in/out, if needed.


I forgot to add that I bought the 2nd row buckets with console. But I only have 2 kids, one in a rear facing car seat.
It will be a little inconvenient with 3 kids and 2 in car seats, even with the buckets and no console, but doable.

I am glad my post got moved to this thread as there is a lot of good information. I do have a few questions. I saw some mention of people saying that inflatable belts were a problem with the car seats. We are considering the 301A package which has this feature. What exactly is the concern or issues with these and fitting a car seat?

Our oldest is in a booster seat and youngest in a front facing car seat. I like the idea of the bucket seats as we can always move out oldest and youngest to the 3rd row if we have a 3rd kido and they would have the opition of getting out by going up center of 2nd row or lowering the bucket seat that does not have the car seat. The only issue with this is when we travel we usually have the whole 3rd row in out current Explorer folded down to allow for luggage and the two kids are on the left and right side of the bench 2nd row seat which we have in our current Explorer.

If we went with the bench seat in the next Explorer with the oldest almost out of the booster seat she could go in the middle of the 2nd row bench and the two younger on right and left side of 2nd row bench allowing for 3rd row to be folded down. Does anyone currently use this similar set up? I know the middle of 2nd row bench is not ideal for an adult, but how is is for a 9 year old? Probably still wouldn't be comfortable for them over an extended trip.

When we had our 2nd child my wife enjoyed being able to sit in middle of 2nd row and keep an eye on him. We did sit in a new 2016 with bucket seats and a center console and I thought you would still able to lean over and tend to a newborn in that scenario with the other two kids in 3rd row.

I know this thread has been beat to death but this is the one thing holding us back from ordering is trying to decide on bench or buckets as well as the center console. Any new suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Also anyone had any issues with the kids pressing the seat fold down button on the 2nd row buckets and getting hit with the seat or closing it on a car seat? When we checked it out on a new 2016 the seats seemed to fold forward with a lot of force on the first portion of the fold when the back goes down into the seat. I could just see my son closing it on his sister or playing with the button all the time.

stevesmith1328 - 2 child seats in the 2nd bench row take up all the room.
The middle seat is barely a seat and a boy or girl or anybody big enough for no seat/no booster with 2 child seats on either side wont fit.

Your car is the same size as 2016 - try in yours then find the other seat style you want and try it.

To carry anything except 3 or 4 grocery bags or slim suitcases stacked on top of each other brick wall style-you would surely need the 3rd row folded down
most of the time to have some hauling space.

For the Inf belts, if trying bench & 3 child seats, the belts were difficult or impossible to buckle. For 2 seats cant remember.
Also have to review how the belt threads thru the seat parts and if the seat is recommended with such a belt, sometimes they specify things like that.

Since this is important, you can find exact cabin specs online-size is pretty much the same as your car.
Or go with your child seats and try your seat plan in an Ex, - you will need to - this is a must if you want to order- try in a rental,- just rent it 1 day, try in a friends, try at the dealership although that will be a weird experience unless you know someone and are not trying to do it in front of salivating salespeople...

(Latch on 2nd row bench is only left & right, not middle.)

also prob should read this entire thread i think inf seatbelts are mentioned a few times and how they arranged it all.

Have you decided on the car you are purchasing? After you get it, make an appointment with the local CHP office. Every office is mandated to have a child safety seat program. The officers and volunteers are specifically trained in the installation of child safety seats. I did it for six years and we made it work for nearly any scenario. If you were closer, I would help you install the seats myself. You want to find the narrowest convertible seats available, something like a Diono Radian (I know, expensive). It turns into a booster so it will last a long time.

As far as boosters, only get a high back booster. The boosters with the seat only is not safe. I pulled a dead kid out of a Suburban who was in one of those. In a rollover, they rotate and slide out from under the child, who is unsecured with a loose, locked seat belt. The high back of a seat keeps them in place.

So glad this thread was bumped up to the top, we just had our 2nd child a few months ago and had the rear facing car seat/carrier behind the passanger and 7-year old in a booster behind the driver. The carrier made the passanger seat in the front move just about all the way forward, but it was the best location for mom as she could not lift both carrier and baby the first 8 weeks after the baby was born. Now that we can both reach to the middle we just moved her over the other day but I did not realize the LATCH was not safe to use in the middle.

We just started looking for a convertable as we plan to get a new seat when the baby is a year and big enough to switch to forward facing. At that point we will move her behind the driver seat so our older child can be put behind the passanger and we can slide her seat over to open up the 40 on the bench and access the 3rd row when need be.

As far as boosters, only get a high back booster. The boosters with the seat only is not safe. I pulled a dead kid out of a Suburban who was in one of those. In a rollover, they rotate and slide out from under the child, who is unsecured with a loose, locked seat belt. The high back of a seat keeps them in place.

Thanks for the info BK, we have been debating on removing the back part of my oldest's booster so she can utilize the recline feature on the 2nd row, but I think we will just keep it until she is big enough to go without it all together. She has some speaker build into the head portion of the seat back and it is a real headache saver for me on longer trips. I can only listen to Katy Perry for so long.

which car seats for 3 across 2nd row with inflatable belts

We've got a new 2016 Ford Explorer coming in this week. Anyone know a three car seat combo that will fit in the 2nd row (2 boosters and one infant), given the Explorer's size/seat belt restrictions?


Not going to happen.

oh boy he is right it wont work.
There is a thread on here about this, do a search and read all of it.

We've got a new 2016 Ford Explorer coming in this week. Anyone know a three car seat combo that will fit in the 2nd row (2 boosters and one infant), given the Explorer's size/seat belt restrictions?

Welcome to the Forum.:wavey:

I have merged your thread with this existing one. Perhap you will find the info here that you are looking for.
Also, please add the 'Model' of your Explorer to your profile so it always appears in the margin. Thanks.


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We've got a new 2016 Ford Explorer coming in this week. Anyone know a three car seat combo that will fit in the 2nd row (2 boosters and one infant), given the Explorer's size/seat belt restrictions?


I wouldn't suggest it - not only for the screwing around with getting the kiddo's in. but also crash risk.

If in a explorer and that's your favorite device - I'd consider getting the mid buckets with no console (which is what I have seating wise). then you can actually get to the rear seat and it's got latch on one side if you want to use it.

you could put one of the kiddos there - and access is pulling up the RH middle seat up and forward - store kiddo - reset seat - store kiddo 2.

but I'd honestly look to a flex (more room) and anything else that has MINIVAN in it's naming. I personally love the chrysler town and country if I was going that route. nothing against the ford transit, but.
