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Carlovers Desert Beater Build


Explorer Addict
July 30, 2005
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'96 XL
Well im starting to source parts and gather up some good stuff. I figured id start a thread just to show everyone that the ideas are. Should be a pretty fun setup when done. Everything will be being built by Brandon at BTF Fab.

The rear will be a 4 link with a panhard bar and cantilever coilovers. Shooting for around 20" of rear travel. Full size van 9", and should be around 3.5" wider per side than stock

Front will be a BTF front setup more than likely with a fully fabbed spindle with d44 hubs and uniball upper and lowers. Should pull around 16-17" of travel. Will be around 5" wider a side than stock.

It will be a fairly slow build due to finances. It will be built in stages obviously and should take around 12-16 months to be fully complete.

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I'm going to bet that this thread ends up at 28 pages when the build finishes. and SWEEEEEEEEET, this should be sick. I've been eyeing up some cantilver setups lately. I figured out how they can cycle 20" with a 10" shock (c/o etc). Make sure it's either bolt on or you build a nice cage so you don't end up losing out on some valuable fab work if you lose it on the road or on the trail (hmm, Dirt alliance Explorer??)

Ohh yeah a cage is a must. More than likely if i can get a decent cage building party going it will be a basic design with cross bars and support added. The rear kit will actually most likely be put into production as a weld it yourself kit so keep an eye on it. Brandon is looking for ways to build link kits but yet still be around the cost of leafs and setup. Its kind of overwhelming sitting down looking at the cost and list of parts needed. But in the end it will be totally worth it.

yup, I went with leaves because I was in a rush and I don't fab, but if I learn how to do my own work in the future parts for parts a link kit could actually be cheaper. I've got $675 into leaves, ubolts and hardware plus $2200 worth of shocks, I would think for that kind of money you could custom build something really nice, I just didn't have the time to engineer that.

Are you going rear glass for the width? And I thought I saw in a different thread that you were going to keep the stock gas tank? That was the big reason I left my setup leaves and shocks.

Yeah fiberwerx 6" rear glass and 6" front glass. The front glass wont be wide enough but im gonna try in none the less. The stock gas tank will remain which is a big plus for keeping it street legal in cali. The major cost of this kit will be the heims. They arent cheap and we need alot of them in the rear. Im trying to do this as cost effectively as possible to show others it can be done for a decent amount of money. Ultimately id love to have a 2nd gen 5.0 to start with but i will build what i have. The plus for me building an explorer is being able to bring my kids along and have a great time with them.

First step is looking for a full width 9". If anyone finds one let me know. Ill be hitting up junkyards soon also. The plan is to have 2 different 3rd members. One with 4.33's or so with an open diff for the street. And one with 5.13's or lower with a spool for the dirt.

You should be able to find one the first junk yard you hit. These things grow on trees in CA

First step is looking for a full width 9". If anyone finds one let me know. Ill be hitting up junkyards soon also. The plan is to have 2 different 3rd members. One with 4.33's or so with an open diff for the street. And one with 5.13's or lower with a spool for the dirt.
Thats a neat idea.

And maybe go full floater so all you have to do is remove the outer slug, slide the axle shaft out a few inches and you've got clearance to remove the third member in a snap -- w/o removing the wheels, brakes and so on.

Thats a neat idea.

And maybe go full floater so all you have to do is remove the outer slug, slide the axle shaft out a few inches and you've got clearance to remove the third member in a snap -- w/o removing the wheels, brakes and so on.

Yeah thats the plan hopefully. Im thinking the van rear ends are full floater, i could be wrong but i will find out.

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You should be able to find one the first junk yard you hit. These things grow on trees in CA

Yeah they are very common. Im hoping to stumble on one with at least 4.10's though. That way i can just run it right now since im sure my 8.8 will blow soon lol.

I need to find the conversion kit so i can run my 8.8 dics breaks for sure. Tossing it up whether to run the 31 spline axles some of them came with or custom 35 spline for extra strength.

What ever happened to that axle with 4.56s and ARB locker (can't remember if it was an 8.8 or 9")?

What ever happened to that axle with 4.56s and ARB locker (can't remember if it was an 8.8 or 9")?

8.8, i decided not to deal with it and sold it to the guy who had bought the matching d35 front.

subscribe. ill give some thoughts here :D

your car is 2wd? why even lift it? i've never understood why you would lift a 2wd car. i saw just SAS it. way more flex! dana 60 front and 9" rear. sawzall the fenders and get some 40"s in there, welded gears front and rear. and about the cage, either exo cage it or chop the rear off and make it a truggy. that would be a bomb as setup. also you should think about getting rid of the whimpy 6 banger, maybe a 454 with a 120 NOS shot. should be set. see you at the mudd drags.

subscribe. ill give some thoughts here :D

your car is 2wd? why even lift it? i've never understood why you would lift a 2wd car. i saw just SAS it. way more flex! dana 60 front and 9" rear. sawzall the fenders and get some 40"s in there, welded gears front and rear. and about the cage, either exo cage it or chop the rear off and make it a truggy. that would be a bomb as setup. also you should think about getting rid of the whimpy 6 banger, maybe a 454 with a 120 NOS shot. should be set. see you at the mudd drags.

LOL, thats a typical redneck response right there. I spit water all over my monitor when i read it.

you have to admit, the 454 with a 120 shot is a good idea :D :thumbsup:

More than likely twin turbo ls7 with a 6 speed underdrive/overdrive gear vendors c4 eventually. But thats a long ways away.


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