Wanted - CD changer jammed with discs, need new one. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted CD changer jammed with discs, need new one.

Parts or services wanted
Well if my repaired unit works I'll be happy. Not a big fan of aftermarket stuff especially radios etc. I think they junk up the look that those Ford engineers worked so hard to perfect. I've seen some nice ones but then again I've seen some that look like a**.

Mehh..you need to see some high end installs. I saw a Ford Windstar minivan that looked TOTALLY stock. But, it won that weekends' competition. It had ALL aftermarket stuff. EVERYTHING was hidden from view. The guy went so far as to cut the faceplate off his factory stereo, and glue it to a motorized faceplate. The faceplate would move out of the way, only when the system was powered up. Nobody could tell (by looking) that it wasn't totally stock. More work than you're wanting, I'm sure. But, what I'm getting at is, where there's a will, there's a way.

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Sorry dude but the picture you provided looks like Toby's a** I'm going to stick with what Ford gave me but if that aftermarket floats your boat then good for you. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

CD Changer fix

Keep us posted on weather it works or not Bob... I have the same prob with mine... I'll try to fix it once for sure... and yes I'll take pix's... Cheers....

Installed the CD changer this morning and it works like a new one. Thanks for all the help and advice.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Sorry dude but the picture you provided looks like Toby's a** I'm going to stick with what Ford gave me but if that aftermarket floats your boat then good for you. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Especially if "Toby's A**", out-performs factory in every way known! ;) Yes, it would be nice if Double DIN units performed on par with the best of the single DIN units, buuuut...they don't. Wish they would..., look good, yes...but, they don't perform as well.

CD changer replacement

Now show me a photo of that Pioneer unit installed and we may have a winner.:thumbsup:

Well I just got my deck back in... I took it apart and the shaft was not the problem it seems the ribbon wire between the head unit annd the deck was loose. I re attached it and it works like a charm...

Ok, a little off topic... well on topic but wrong year truck, but I'm gonna ask here anyway. I just bought a 2000 EB Explorer. Everything works, the stereo sounds great, but the display doesn't come on. Anyone ever had one of those things apart, and is it possible its just a loose wire. Just read the last post and it got me hopin...

Hey traveler if I'm not mistaken there is a bulb that is replaceable on those ones but you have to take the deck out to get to it...

That sounds like it may just be what the problem is. . Thanks. :)

strange I could swear that my 99 had a small bulb in the back of the display???
Oh well I've been wrong before...

Aftermarket double DIN HD radio CD

So I thought I had my 6 cd changer fixed but it failed after a short time. I bought a JVC KW-HDR720, steering wheel control, 5 volt reducer and the Ford face plate and wiring harness. I assembled the wiring harness etc.on the kitchen table so all I had to do was slide the whole shebang in the dash plug it in, attach a good ground wire and program the steering wheel control. Easy and it sounds great. I'll post a photo one of these days. Anybody needs a double din with the non-oprerative 6 CD changer let me know.


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That's one of the better looking HU I've seen in an Explorer. Glad it worked out. Does that happen to have Navigation on it also?

Thanks for the followup.

Aftermarket double DIN HD radio CD

No this one does not have the navigation. I think that was lots more money and I have a sweet little Magellan for any road trips. :D
