CD changer on my 95 xlt is acting up | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CD changer on my 95 xlt is acting up

Fish Man

Explorer Addict
April 13, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Chattanooga TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Explorer XLT
Hey everyone. I have (ok, its my moms, technically) a 1995 XLT. I do not know what audio package it has, but it has the optional in console cd player. It has performed flawlessly for 7 years (7 years on april 25th). The other day, i went to change cds and it worked for a while and then said no disk. I thought that was strange, cause my magizine was full. I went to eject it to check it out, and the thing wouldnt eject. Now the magizine is stuck in the changer and it simlpy says no disk when you hit the cd button. does anyone know an easy (or not so easy, but still DIY) fix for this? any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a ton!


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have ya tryed to chage discs to see if it is jamed between the carage and the player? i have to same system ya have and hasn't done that to me YET!! and better not or i'm getting a new one b/c i hate dicking w/ things like that. all they do is make ya mad. try that and get back to me if thats not the problem and i'll think more on how to get the darn thing out.

Lata, Davo

Hey, thanks for your help. the crazy thing actually fixed itself. i tried to eject it one more time and it worked!!

awesome i thought ya have to get a BFH or buy a new one to fix it.

your lucky i had a 1996 6 disk that did that and i was listening to it went over to someones house came out turned the key and the thing said no cd. so i hit eject put it back in didnt work changed cd's didnt work... and it never did.
