CEL, Evaporator Emission System | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CEL, Evaporator Emission System


Active Member
April 2, 2004
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City, State
Tampa, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 EB V6 4x2
CEL came on, took it to Autozone and they read it they didn't give me the code but said it was "Evaporator Emission System" something to do with purging the pressure fromt he gas tank the guy said. I had him erase the code, but four days later it came back on. Anyone know what this is or how to fix it? Would it be more helpful if I had the code? THanks for any help

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entinnovations said:
CEL came on, took it to Autozone and they read it they didn't give me the code but said it was "Evaporator Emission System" something to do with purging the pressure fromt he gas tank the guy said. I had him erase the code, but four days later it came back on. Anyone know what this is or how to fix it? Would it be more helpful if I had the code? THanks for any help

It would definately help to have a code. Take the info Autozone gives you with a grain of salt.

Codes... CODES !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHH\


Heres the code P O455, what does that mean guys? Thanks

It means somewhere in the evaporative system (vapor system) there is a leak with a size greater than .030 inches.

Ok, so does this have to with the a/c or gas tank or what? What do I need to do to fix this? Is there a vacum line unplugged or leaking? I replaced the rear shocks and I had to remove a plate above the spare which had what looked like vacum lines, could one of these be causing it? Thanks

I was just looking in my 96 Explorer book and it shows a vapor mngt connection on drivers side up front by the headlight area. I would think there should be a return line to the fuel tank. I have never messed around with the system so don't anything other than this. Good Luck

It is all about the gasoline tank and systems. Gas vapors are not vented to the atmosphere. They are captured and routed to a charcoal cannister.... every so often that cannister gets purged into the engine and the vapors get burned (a simplistic description). Somewhere in all that piping you have a leak. And yes if the onset started after you found that "plate" it is probably related.

If that isn't it, you may have to pay someone to test and find it. The usual test is a smoke test as I recall, I may be wrong on that though...

Is this something I can just let go and just deal with the CEL on, or is it something I definetly need to get fixed?

Evap codes are not critical, and won't harm your engine if you delay fixing.

The "plate with hoses" you mentioned, goes to an evap purge valve that is known to give trouble. It's located above the spare tire, and is easy to replace. They tend to corrode; bet that's what is giving the code......
