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celly's elite registry


disturber of the peace
July 28, 2004
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Year, Model & Trim Level
99 eb 5.0 awd
The Eddie


The "Did the deed" thread, 11/21/05 :thumbsup:

Things I've done so far
-Street Scenes Speed Grille and lower insert installed (was on the Sport)
-Energy Suspension poly front swar bar bushings/endlinks (were on Sport briefly).
-Diamond Cut corners and headlights (scored from Dirty Dog, still have a set of corners in reserve).
-Silver Stars in the headlights, silver frosted bulbs in the rest (then replaced, see way below).
-Volant intake from the Sport, ASMI intake tube (painted first), hightempsilicone couplers/t-bolts. Vintage "5.0" emblem replaced "Volant" badge. I have a very sweet looking and peforming intake system now. (updated 12/21/05)

First rendition of the air intake:


Revised rendition:


-Flo-Pro dual in, single out muffler, 2.5" pipes from cats back, 3" rolled SS tip (very mellow sound and noticeable peformance diff).
-C&L MAF body, stock electronics.
-ditched the oversized front bug guard the previous owner had on there.
-removed the OEM roof rack cross bars.
-Oil change (Mobil 1) and rad flush day of pick up from car lot.
-tranny flush, filled with Amsoil ATF (transfer case too), 01/07/06
-swapped out "Mr Alternator" 200 amp and Optima Red Top from Sport (later swapped for Iraggi 260 amp and Yellow Top)
-installed "plain" billet battery hold down, scored on eBay (see EF Dead Link Removed section for more).
-Installed "Limited" rims scored from Dirty Dog (w/ Michelin Latitude Ice tires)-winter only
-new Pioneer 8600 head unit. (swapped out for new Pioneer deck, August '09)
-cleaned IAC and MAF
-can of Seafoam in the gas, followed by a can via the brake booster, 12/24 (SMOKE SHOW!)
-rubber floor mats for winter (Ford OEM via eBay)
-shorty antenna via eBay. Looks way better.
-Pioneer XM tuner and antenna (from Sport)
-Viper security (installed 12/1/05).
-SCT XC2 flasher returned from bama. After some tweaking, I have a 91 Performance, 91 Torque and 87 Performance tune at my disposal (updated 12/21/05)
-Dead Link Removed installed 12/23. SWEET shox. Cushy but firm at the same time. Also got the EE rear awaybar put on at the same time. What a transformation.
-one coat of VHT Night Shades on tails, many coast of clear coat, left the amber this time. Looks sweet. (updated 12/31/05).
-reinstalled Fosgate Amp to power Hertz 10" sub (in small sub box, eventually going in side pocket), scored another Fosgate 2 channel amp to power front speakers ("free", used gift cert given to me from work for "Futureshop"), installed as well, 12/26.
-reinstalled Alpine R type speakers in the front, scored some S-type for the rear. Dead easy with the Ford adapter my father in law brought up from the US (via Crutchfield), 12/29/05 (Later replaced several times, now settled on BA SX85 and SL80).
-AVS vent visors, front and rear.
-white OEM gauge overlays and red needles that were on the Sport installed 01/07/06 (originally from an '03 Sport via a boneyard).
-got alignment 1/31/06, perfect shape according to shop.
-flushed and filled brake fluid with Valvoline Synpower synthetic brake fluid (1/31/06)
-flushed and filled power steering fluid with Valvoline Synpower synthetic (1/27/06)
-installed Mustang "Bullitt" fuel door 02/02/06, hand polished it later.
-Amsoil Series 2000 (now called "Signature Series) 0w/30 oil/EA filter went in, 02/03/06
-Amsoil Severe Gear gear oil, front and rear went in at same time.
-scored a ported and polished OEM TB on eBay, 02/03/06
-scored a Dead Link Removed, 02/16/06 from xenondepot.com, arrived 2/23/06, VERY NICE. Whiter than stock (and Silver Stars) and MUCH brighter.
-installed ported/polished OEM TB scored from eBay seller 02/23/06
-installed Autovation pedals, "5.0L" version, 3/1/06

-installed EE front airdam scored via eBay. Fit the Eddie perfectly and was the right colour (EB Harvest Gold) :thumbsup: , 3/2/06
-installed "Luminics" 2500K H1 bulbs in the fogs, 3/6/06
-removed tinted tails and did the "candy apple mod" to another set (no tint). I prefer it to the tinted ones on the green Ex. (3/15/06)

-installed Benevento sunroof visor. Definitely makes things quieter in the cab when sunroof open at highway speeds. Not sure about the look. Another "function over form" mod. 3/18/06
-replaced filter that came with the Volant with a "Green" equivalent (brand name, but also the colour!). Supposed to be of superior construction, better flow and less likelihood of oil on the MAF, 3/27/06.

-have the OEM wheels on again, winter tires/rims off until fall, 04/07/06.
-installed Amsoil air filter on my intake setup (which replaced a Green offering which replaced the AFE filter that comes with the Volant kit). Very nice. If anyone else out there wants to replace their Volant filter, you want to get your hands on the Dead Link Removed model from Amsoil, 05/10/06.
-finally got around to putting my Hertz sub in the Q-Logic stealth box, 07/15/06
-replaced faulty rear wiper motor with new one from eBay. Put a 16" wiper blade on rear (trimmed back just a bit to keep blade from hitting liftgate handle), 07/15/06
-replaced Alpine Type R front door speakers with Kicker KS68 6X8. The Alpines always seemed to disconnect in the doors and I wasn't that impressed with the sound anyhow. So far, I like these new speakers, 07/23/06
-moved the Kickers to the rear (replacing Alpine Type S), put Hertz 5X7 in front, put some sound deadener around the mounting location. Sound system /sounds reborn, 7/24/06.
-installed MSD Coil packs (PN: 8241), 10/5/06
-installed Sillblades wiper blades, front and rear. These things are supposed to last 5 years. We'll see. 12/14/06 (UPDATE 2009, they died and I went with Rain-X followed by Bosch).
-replaced black silicone couplings on air intake with red ones, 02/16/07
-was having some issues throughout the winter with the HID kit. One side continued to give my grief, especially on cold mornings. It crapped out for good a few weeks back, not long after warranty expired. Pinpointed to a faulty ballast. I've sent the ballast back to seller and waiting to see what they'll do for me.
-I stumbled across a HID kit from "GTHID". A decent quality setup and they offer a hi/lo option (mechancial mechanism). I scored a 4300K kit today and so far, i'm impressed with the quality The highbeam function isn't as significant as I thought it would be, but at least I have a flash to pass option now. I scored the kit from gthid.ca. Their US counterpart is gthid.us. Only time will tell if this kit is as good as it seems. The Canadian Distributor is based in Calgary, so at least I have local support. Not sure what I'll do with the old kit. I'll sell the Philips kit (Xenon Depot) soon (3/19/07).
-did the fog light mod today. By far the simplest mod I've ever done and now I've got OEM foglights with high or low beams (timely mod to do with the new HIDS). 03/22/07
-scored this on eBay recently:

Installed it 04/03/07. Looks great with my other mods. Nicely polished and painted.
-Had an OEM rear spoiler/airdam installed today. Scored it from eBay, pre-painted "Amazon Green" (my colour). My good buddy Jon ("Turdle") helped get it to me after eBay seller wouldn't ship to Canada. Thanks Jonny! :chug:, 04/13/07
-removed the Kicker rear speakers and replaced with Boston Acoustics SX85. Definite upgrade. Also have a set of SL80 for the front via eBay. Should be here in next week or so. 05/18/07
-getting Powerslot rotors/Hawk Pads installed today. :D, 05/29/07
-Boston SL80 speakers arrived today and promptly installed, SWEET drop-in speakers. 06/05/07
-tinted front windows, 35%, 08/09/07 (and got my first ticket a few days later in Cranbrook, BC :fire:)
-replaced Optima Red Top with Yellow Top, 11/6/07
-aftermarket resonator installed, 12/3/07, much quieter in cab. (Having my son tell me to "turn down my engine" convinced me it was time, although it didn't resonate "that bad").
-Magnecor wires/Motorcraft platinum plugs installed, May 2008.
-scored a used MAC intake and fit the intake tube into my setup. New silicone couplers/t-bolts came in the package too, June '08
-installed "Redlinegoods.com" armrest cover, 07/21/08 (nice touch)
-scored a Henson 91 tune from James. He does good work. (August 2008)
-followed up with Henson 89 and 87 tunes to save some $$$ on gas (October 2008)
-scored projector headlights via EF group buy. They arrived today (02/10/09):



Installed on 02/14/09, first installed pic:


I just installed 4300K HID bulbs in the projectors. BEST lighting ever! Suvlights 9007 harness as well. Good stuff! (02/25/09).

-June 30-July 2, 2009, definitely a momentous time for the mod history of the Eddie. Got down to visit Jon Smith in Humboldt, KS while I was vacationing 700 miles away in Wisconsin. I got down after many years of planning. We installed the most coveted of 5.0 mods and of course I mean Torque Monster Headers. Also got a 1" Trick-Flow spacer and got a whole pile of underhood parts powdercoated by Jon, as well as my Street Scenes Speed Grille.


-July 7, 2009, had the resonator cut out and got a new Magnaflow tip welded on. A bit of cabin drone returns, but the exhaust sounds badass with the headers. :D

-July 29, 2009, scored a chrome grille off a '96 (mine had a crack). Painted the center section a colour resembling "smoked chrome" (matching the grille). Also installed a "Grillware" billet Ford emblem. Slightly larger than stock. Looks cool.

-August 2, 2009, installed a new Pioneer DEH-P7100BT head unit after my old Pioneer started showing signs of a bad ground. Troubleshooted the heck out of it and all signs pointed to head unit. Also hardwired my Tom Tom GPS using a Gilsson kit (thanks to Joe Dirt for the recommendation...worked great).

-September 5, 2009, sanded off the "faux carbon" on my intake box and painted with wheel paint similar in colour to smoked chrome.

-September 10, 2009, swapped out the Autolite copper core plugs installed with the headers with good ol OEM Motorcraft Double Plats. First time I ever changed my own plugs. :) Trashed a Motorcraft wire in the process and replaced with a Magnecor I had lying around.

-September 16, 2009, received two 5.0 emblems in gold (something different, looks good on the EB). Replaced the "V8" emblems on the front fenders.

-September 17, 2009, Ordered a new set of Aurora spark plug wires today. I've used these wires in the past (my old Sport) and they're very high quality and Canadian to boot. Very similar in quality and construction to Magencor. I contacted Mag about a replacement wire and it would be at least $20 US + shipping. I got all 8 wires from Aurora for $95 CAD, shipped and taxes in. Couldn't resist.

-October 1, 2009, Screamin Demon coil packs arrived. So far, not much different than MSD packs, but seem smoother than OEM, at least on the idle front, didn't see a huge difference over MSD coils so I sold the SD's to a local forum member on 10/25/09.

-Had rear cats cut out and to cut down on the drone a tad, had two small Flo Pro Baffle Packs installed in their place. Has tone downed cabin drone a tad, while not quietening down the V8 rumble much, 11/6/09.

-finally dealt with a nagging, post TMH install issue with a leaky minor gasket. Truck is finally running better. Also got my old resonator/exhaust tip re-installed. Drone is back to a minimum. :), 12/29/09

-ordered an Iraggi High Output Alternator, 260 amp "Amputator" model, painted red, 01/04/10, arrived and installed 01/19/10. Not exactly the red that I thought it would be, but it will work.

-completed "Big Three" using Knukonceptz 1/0, 1/22/10

-removed the EE airdam today after almost 4 years on the truck. It's pretty beat up with assorted cracked and chips that all seemed to have materialized at once. Needs a lot of work. Also scored another airdam recently from "IamTodd". These things are hard to find so I'll keep both. I sort of like the look without the airdam right now so going to go without it for a while. 03/13/10.

-installed the EE airdam I got from IamTodd today and left it same colour. Looks fine for now. 03/20/10.

-re-painted the EE airdam "Amazon Green". Now that Duplicolor has paint code "SU" in a larger size, it was worth giving it a go (will be installed tonight). On the subject of Duplicolor, I confirmed that the trim on the Eddie Bauer should be paint code "BA" or "Light Prairie Tan". I was originally told it was "Harvest Gold", but that match never worked great for me (too gold), 04/07/10.

I think it turned out pretty good (pic taken 04/10/10):


July 2011 updates:

-Took off the rear badging and replaced with a 4th gen "Explorer Eddie Bauer" badge (thanks for the idea Joe) and a new SCT badge (previous one looked rough after I sanded it down and painted it to match the tan trim on the EB).

-I replaced the gold "5.0" badges with new OEM 5.0 badges from the latest and greatest Mustangs. It's taking me some time to get used to them because the badges are a bit larger, but I think I like them.

-08/02/11 update; did another set of stock tails. This time used VHT Nightshades in red (new product I just stumbled across). Good alternative to Testors Candy Apple clear red to cover the amber sections. I hit them with ONE coat of Nightshades black and a ton of coats of clear. Looks GREAT and not the tacky multiple coats on Nightshades that so many people do.

I really got to get some new pics up here one of these days. ;)

09/15/11, I'm ditching the one piece lights and going back to Diamond Cuts soon. Just got a new set off of eBay and will be putting in a Dead Link Removed retro kit in. I've always preferred the look of the Diamond cuts and I'm told this kit goes in with a minimum of trimming. Excellent results too. 25% off Group Buy deal via Hidplanet. :thumbsup:

10/2/11, completed the retrofit. Once I figured out what I was doing, the retrofit went very well. It's pretty much idiot proof. First look (yes I know the truck is filthy. :D)

Review is Dead Link Removed.


4/25/14, did the "Sam Mod". My passenger side fog got smashed when hit by a rock. Had a spare set so got them covered with yellow protective film before installing. Always liked the yellow fog look.

5/9/15, replaced ALL my spark plug wires with Accel wires and ceramic boots. FINALLY, I am running on 8 cylinders. Truck has never run better:

Dead Link Removed

Future mods/stuff to do:
None that I can think of. Hopefully wheels some day (Cobra clones or similar).

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That last pic is just sweet.. Very beautiful.

Premier said:
That last pic is just sweet.. Very beautiful.

Thanks. It's taken in the Canadian Rockies on the Banff/Jasper highway. My wife and I were on our way to our one year anniversary at Columbia Icefields back in September. I live just east of the Rockies (less than an hour's drive to the closest mountains). Lots of amazing vistas in this neck of the woods. :)



The original link to the photo is broken. Here's the shot, taken on the Icefields Parkway on the way to Jasper. The Sport is long gone, but the memories live on.


What did you do/use to get the amber on your taillights red? I love how it looks and have been thinking of doing this myself.

nice rides

What did you do/use to get the amber on your taillights red? I love how it looks and have been thinking of doing this myself.

A couple of coats of Testors "Candy Apple". Good stuff. :thumbsup:

A couple of coats of Testors "Candy Apple". Good stuff. :thumbsup:

I'm presuming that could be found at autozone or any store like that... Did you apply it to the entire light or did you tape off around the amber? And it looks like it came out very shiny, did you apply a clearcoat over it or polish or anything? I know some people put clear over their tinted lights which is why i ask. I want it to look just like yours, thanks for the info.

I'm presuming that could be found at autozone or any store like that... Did you apply it to the entire light or did you tape off around the amber? And it looks like it came out very shiny, did you apply a clearcoat over it or polish or anything? I know some people put clear over their tinted lights which is why i ask. I want it to look just like yours, thanks for the info.

"Testors" is a hobbyist paint. I've found it at assorted hobby stores. Even found it in the toy section at Walmart once. It's a transparent red paint.

I just apply it to the amber sections, masking off the rest of the tails. Two coats usually does the trick. I do use clearcoat to give it a nice uniform (and shiny) finish. Wait a week or so before applying clear as the Testors seems to need some time to cure.

I actually just scored another set of tails real cheap off eBay recently and stumbled across a can of Candy Apple a few weeks ago. I'll be doing the task again soon. There is a small "bite" taken out of my tails (damaged during a move 2 years ago) Although not a large piece missing, it always bothered me so I wanted a new set. Finding another can of candy apple actually motivated me to look for another set of tails.

It's dead easy to do and the results are great. You should find more info by Googling "Testors Candy Apple".

Thanks! I'll try this real soon.

There is a set of headers waiting for you in Kansas.


Woohoo! Now I just have to finalize dates for our trip. Now the worst part comes.....waiting!

Thanks Jonny!

you should get some more pictures up so I can take a closer look! I love your truck.

It's been eons since I put a current photo of the Eddie in here, so good chance to show off the new 5.0 fender emblem and also one of my fave passengers (my 4 year old son Chris, 5 in a month). Taken after a very bumpy ride to the "Moose Mountain" trailhead near Bragg Creek, AB this past weekend. The truck as all sorts of new creaks now and a loose driver's side power lock actuator as a result. It's all good. :)


celly, where did you get your fuel door from? i was sorta looking for a bullet one, but i like that one more.

celly, where did you get your fuel door from? i was sorta looking for a bullet one, but i like that one more.

Mine is Ford OEM from the old "Bullitt" series Mustangs.. You can usually find them on eBay brand new in the box. Jonny (Turdle) PC'd it the same "Smoked Chrome" colour I'm so enamoured with. He did that before my Kansas trip in late June/Early July. I would think the UPR offerings would fit pretty close too. Mine isn't perfect, but close.

I like what you've done with your engine bay, looks great.

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I like what you've done with your engine bay, looks great.

Thanks. I really need to get a current pic of it. I've done away with the faux carbon on the air intake box and painted with a colour similar to the powdercoating. I also got rid of the Motorcraft wires and went back to red ones from Aurora (small Canadian niche player). Also, the wires aren't all over the place like in the photo. The truck wasn't even running yet when that photo was taken. We had just got the parts out of the oven and I quickly installed them before snapping the pics.
