Chassis Lubrication - 2000 4 x 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Chassis Lubrication - 2000 4 x 4


New Member
October 14, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 EB 4x4
Have had enough of dealer servicing, so I've bought all the kit needed to do my own major tune-up of my 2000 EB 4x4. For those of you who do this maintenance regularly, I have two questions:

1) Are there any chassis / suspension grease nipples on this year / model that require lubrication.

2) Does anyone have a procedure / pictures for lubricating the driveaxle slip yoke? The Haynes manual isn't too clear on this procedure. I'm not a beginner at auto maintenance, but I'm still not sure what a driveaxle slip yoke looks like! By lubrication, is this simply application of NLGI No. 2 grease to the splines, or is there something else required?



From the factory there are no greasable parts on the truck using a grease gun. You can get aftermarket balljoints, tie rod ends, etc. so you can grease them. Yes the slipyoke can be lubed. Most people don't however, I haven't in about a good 2 years with no issues.
