'CHECK HEADLIGHT SYSTEM' warning on Dash | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Welcome to the Forum platinum2020texas. :wave:
During all that time did you speak to Ford Customer Service? Although Ford is not obligated to provide a loaner vehicle, did you ask for one? I would think that the least they could do is to provide you with an Extended Warranty. Do you have the 360-rearview camera recall open on your vehicle?


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Same issue here. The first time it happened, we got a ticket for a burned out headlight . Took it in to the Ford dealer and they diagnosed it as a bad module ($800). Replaced it and a month later, it went out again. The dealer replaced the module again, and now, while in the shop, they have discovered that there is an electrical issue. The headlamp is sending too much electrical power through the module and that is blowing. So, they want to replace the headlamp ($2k). My issue is that I have zero confidence that they have correctly diagnosed the issue. I fee that they have just decided to once again replace the next item up the list.

Same issue here. The first time it happened, we got a ticket for a burned out headlight . Took it in to the Ford dealer and they diagnosed it as a bad module ($800). Replaced it and a month later, it went out again. The dealer replaced the module again, and now, while in the shop, they have discovered that there is an electrical issue. The headlamp is sending too much electrical power through the module and that is blowing. So, they want to replace the headlamp ($2k). My issue is that I have zero confidence that they have correctly diagnosed the issue. I fee that they have just decided to once again replace the next item up the list.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Is that the cost including labour?
I'm not an electrical engineer but I would have thought that it is the module supplying the headlamp with power, not the other way around.:dunno:
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You could also check with another dealer to see what they say.


Yeah, that is including labor. I’m not certain of the directionality of the electrical issue. I just spoke with the guy at the dealership and he says “the headlamp is showing high resistance (paraphrasing this based on my notes)”. So maybe the module is providing the power, and the headlamp receiving the power is sending something back that is frying the module? I don’t know.

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Is that the cost including labour?
I'm not an electrical engineer but I would have thought that it is the module supplying the headlamp with power, not the other way around.:dunno:
Levittown is a forum vendor and offers members a discount. Coupon Codes for Forum Members
You could also check with another dealer to see what they say.


Yeah, that is including labor. I’m not certain of the directionality of the electrical issue. I just spoke with the guy at the dealership and he says “the headlamp is showing high resistance (paraphrasing this based on my notes)”. So maybe the module is providing the power, and the headlamp receiving the power is sending something back that is frying the module? I don’t know.
I believe the Platinum as adaptive LED headlights so the error is probably related to that feature. The other trim levels don't have that feature and seems all of the people with this problem are all Platinum owners.

Hi I’m a lady with no car knowledge. Plz help. I have a warning that keeps popping up on my dash that reads “check headlamp system see manual” first thing I did was just was it told me to- checked the manual. Literally says “take to dealership” I checkEd my head lights as well- they were working just fine. UNTIL recently, the driver side head light wasn’t. I got home and when I pulled in, i noticed that it was in fact working after not working? So... I I took it to the dealership because well.. it told me too. In the days leading up to my service appt. it worked and it didn’t and it went back and fourth like that. Of course both my headlights were working and no warnings were displayed on my dash so they probably thought I was crazy. They checked it and said They reprogrammed something, retested it and it cleared? I went home, the next day when I started my car there it is again on the dash and the driver side headlight not working.
I have the same issue on my 2022 Ford explorer. On and off since we purchased the car. It's been in and out of the dealership multiple times. They replaced the module but can't figure out the problem and were unable to fix this.
I actually just reported this issue at Recalls | NHTSA
And hopefully they make it a recall.
I encourage you to report this as well...

I have the same issue on my 2022 Ford explorer. On and off since we purchased the car. It's been in and out of the dealership multiple times. They replaced the module but can't figure out the problem and were unable to fix this.
I actually just reported this issue at Recalls | NHTSA
And hopefully they make it a recall.
I encourage you to report this as well...
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
When you get that warning message are the headlights working or has one gone out as per the OP's post? If it is just the warning and headlights are working, there may not be a recall on this issue.
As for the member you quoted, she was last seen here on July 24, 2020.


I have the same issue on my 2022 Ford explorer. On and off since we purchased the car. It's been in and out of the dealership multiple times. They replaced the module but can't figure out the problem and were unable to fix this.
I actually just reported this issue at Recalls | NHTSA
And hopefully they make it a recall.
I encourage you to report this as well...
Hi - I also have the "Check Headlamp System See Manual" notice more or less on permanently. I had seen it a couple of times intermittently over the last 2+ years, but last week the notice started appearing every time I start the car. I'm taking it to the dealer tomorrow, and I'll let you know what I find out. I have exactly 7 days left on the 3yr/36,000 mile warranty, so hopefully they can resolve it by then.

Hi - I also have the "Check Headlamp System See Manual" notice more or less on permanently. I had seen it a couple of times intermittently over the last 2+ years, but last week the notice started appearing every time I start the car. I'm taking it to the dealer tomorrow, and I'll let you know what I find out. I have exactly 7 days left on the 3yr/36,000 mile warranty, so hopefully they can resolve it by then.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Maybe you should have brought it in earlier.;)


Hi - I also have the "Check Headlamp System See Manual" notice more or less on permanently. I had seen it a couple of times intermittently over the last 2+ years, but last week the notice started appearing every time I start the car. I'm taking it to the dealer tomorrow, and I'll let you know what I find out. I have exactly 7 days left on the 3yr/36,000 mile warranty, so hopefully they can resolve it by then.
The dealer ended up replacing the entire headlight module on the right (passenger) side. It was not just the control module that had gone bad, but it was evidently the entire assembly. The repair was covered under warranty, but if it was not, the assembly alone was $2400. I am pricing extended warranties that include exterior lighting today.

I have the same issue on my 2022 Ford explorer. On and off since we purchased the car. It's been in and out of the dealership multiple times. They replaced the module but can't figure out the problem and were unable to fix this.
I actually just reported this issue at Recalls | NHTSA
And hopefully they make it a recall.
I encourage you to report this as well...

I am having the same issue with my 2023 platinum explorer. Check headlamp system pops up every time I start my vehicle. Had it in the shop 3 weeks ago because my back hatch would open randomly, in the middle of the night. They replaced the latch and then my vehicle started going into deep sleep mode every night. Have to boost it every morning. The vehicle is still new and under base warranty. Brought it in and they replaced the battery. Next day, back hatch is still randomly opening, vehicle still goes into deep sleep mode at night and now I got a headlamp warning and no headlights. Its going back to the dealership for the 4th time in 3 weeks. This is so frustrating.

I am having the same issue with my 2023 platinum explorer. Check headlamp system pops up every time I start my vehicle. Had it in the shop 3 weeks ago because my back hatch would open randomly........
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I hope you are able to get the issues resolved.
Please keep us updated. Thanks.


No headlight(s) while driving at night is a driving safety issue. A rental car should be provided during overnight repairs.

No headlight(s) while driving at night is a driving safety issue. A rental car should be provided during overnight repairs.
According to the Warranty Guide, Ford is not responsible for providing rental cars. Any 'loaners' provided, are at the dealer's cost unless you have an Extended Services Plan (ESP) that covers that. So it's basically up to the dealership whether or not they will provide a loaner/rental.


No headlight(s) while driving at night is a driving safety issue. A rental car should be provided during overnight repairs.
I am covered for a rental through the extended warranty but my city has 0 rentals available for the next week, even the airport is out of rentals

I am having the same issue with my 2023 platinum explorer. Check headlamp system pops up every time I start my vehicle. Had it in the shop 3 weeks ago because my back hatch would open randomly, in the middle of the night. They replaced the latch and then my vehicle started going into deep sleep mode every night. Have to boost it every morning. The vehicle is still new and under base warranty. Brought it in and they replaced the battery. Next day, back hatch is still randomly opening, vehicle still goes into deep sleep mode at night and now I got a headlamp warning and no headlights. Its going back to the dealership for the 4th time in 3 weeks. This is so frustrating.
Got my vehicle back today. There was a short circuit in the lifegate system, which was draining the battery and causing the headlight issues and causing the liftgate to randomly open and close. They replaced the switch and wiring and everything seems good so far (its been 6 hours). Time will tell but hopefully this is the fix!!

Got my vehicle back today. There was a short circuit in the lifegate system, which was draining the battery and causing the headlight issues and causing the liftgate to randomly open and close. They replaced the switch and wiring and everything seems good so far (its been 6 hours). Time will tell but hopefully this is the fix!!
That's good to hear. I hope that's the fix. These days, so many systems are interconnected on these vehicles.

