check this out -EBAY- 500hp factory Saleen XP8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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check this out -EBAY- 500hp factory Saleen XP8


Explorer Addict
November 30, 2000
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96 LTD, 96 XLT, & 98 XLT
I dont know where these people come up with this stuff..... This guy is selling a stock Supercharged Saleen XP8 and is say its 500hp..... looks like all he did was add an aftermarket stereo-

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and some people bid on anything not knowing anything about stuff-

If I was selling a car/truck on ebay i would have also WASHED it..... who is going to pay $32K for a dirty truck!?

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sucks for the people that believe itz really 500 hp.. isnt troll makin like 5 something? with a heck of a lot more mods too

It looks like that guy just trashed it from the get go. Carpet is all dirty and cluttered and it has tons of scratches. Jeez my 95 has a better finish and less body damage and it's no SALEEN!!

Nice Rims

Yeah doesnt look like too good of condition but as of right now its got 10 bids. I do like those rims tho, does anyone know where they can be purchased??
Thanks for any help

Just emailed the seller a question

Sent this to the seller

I was planning to bid on this, the saleen X is such a sweet truck and I've always wanted one but where are you getting 500 hp from, the normal XP8 makes 222HP and 298 ft/lbs, with the charger those numbers go to 286HP and 333 ft/lbs, these are the numbers from Saleen. There are no other engine mods listed so where is the extra 214hp coming from.

If I get a reply I'll post it.

Originally posted by PUR PONY
..... looks like all he did was add an aftermarket stereo-

Does the stock Saleen come with the TV's and all of the carbon fiber interior trim, carbon fiber mirrors and such?

the tvs no.. but carbon fiber stuff i believe it was an option

Got this from the seller

Got a reply;

The mistake is from the owner. She works for ford adn told me that it had 500hp and now I realize that she lied. It had just under 300hp. SOrry about that. Now that people are bidding on it, I can't change the ad.


I thought you could edit the info on ebay even after bidding had begun. And that is exactly what he sent me, the spelling mistakes and everything.

where does he get 70 grand from? that wasn't 70 grand new. no one would have bought that new for 70,000. hmmm, lets see, i could get a new 911, but na i'll get the saleen explorer.

Originally posted by terdrocket
where does he get 70 grand from? that wasn't 70 grand new. no one would have bought that new for 70,000. hmmm, lets see, i could get a new 911, but na i'll get the saleen explorer.
Thats what I was thinking, when I was looking for a Saleen Explorer, one guy emailed me his window sticker that he scanned for me. It was a 00' Saleen with every available option from the supercharged V8 to the very rare Recaro Racing seats. And it was listed for a little more than 50,000 with evvery option. The Saleen Explorer was no where near 70,000 new with every option. If somebody paid that much, they got their azz-hole ripped open on that deal:D
