City bus fender flares? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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City bus fender flares?


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
I was thinking today, on my way to work. Why couln't I use the same stuff they use for city buses for flares? any body know where to get this stuff? Someones gotta have a big role or something :rolleyes:


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I think they just cut up used tires and fabricate it

try now....kinda a bad exsample, but you get the idea. Just look at a city bus around town next time. :rolleyes:

DeRocha said:
Pacer Performance makes universal fender flares similiar to that...

PERFECT! that place is just downtown too, I'll stop by there monday, I gotta go down there anyway for work

Thanks DeRocha :thumbsup: Stuff is pretty cheap too ;)

I have been looking around for flares for a long while and the univeral ones in the above link have been my only option... I would love to have some agressive Bushwacker pocket flares, but they just don't make them for the explorer... :( The pacer seam to fit the bill, the flares come in 2 mounting styles; one mounts to the inner fender lip (when you haven't cut the fender) the other mounts directly to the side of the fender sort of like the pocket flares and would be needed (up front) if you trimmed the fender and cut off the inner lip... Hopefully they'll look half way decent on your rig, if so I'll order a few sets...

I was looking at this kind, I like the idea of the metal wire on the inside. It says these will extend the fenderwell by 3" which is perfect!


but like you said how they attach could be a problem. :rolleyes: I havn't really cut my fenders yet, so Wheel wait to see how much and where the tires rub, after the SAS.

the other thing is these are only 2 1/4" more coverage.


Great find you guys!

I'm gonna get some of the extra wide ones for my truck. Ever since I put the 35's on, they stick way out...

Stic-o Can you buy this directly from them???

CG said:
Great find you guys!

I'm gonna get some of the extra wide ones for my truck. Ever since I put the 35's on, they stick way out...

Stic-o Can you buy this directly from them???

Chris....havn't heard from you in awhile. I'm gonna find out monday. I'll stop by there wherehouse and talk to them ;)

Yeah, I was away for a bit & now I have my truck ripped apart with some new projects. I hope to have everything done for Moab this year.

Let me know what you find out about buying this stuff cause it seems perfect for me too.



CG said:
Yeah, I was away for a bit & now I have my truck ripped apart with some new projects. I hope to have everything done for Moab this year.

Let me know what you find out about buying this stuff cause it seems perfect for me too.



What are you doing to it now? Or did you break it :D

Stic-o said:
What are you doing to it now? Or did you break it :D

Nope, not broken yet

I sent my front diff to Auburn gear to see if their new Dana 35 Ected would work for us IFS guys…short answer is no, the case is just too different where the flange is. So I’ll be staying with the no-slip & brown wire mod till someone comes up with a selectable.

I had the guys at Dixon Bros Racing make me a set of their hardened axles & Porsche style Cv’s to better handle the 35” tires. These are the same axles they use for their long travel kit, just stock length. We did a mock up of some new upper a arms that would get about 2.5” of droop over the stock ones. The problem is the lower ball joint binds up…

I’ve got the Atlas transfer case going in as well & I’m going to add the Mag hi-tech rear diff cover.

I also did a bunch of fender trimming to clear the new tires, hopefully these flares will cover up my amateur work!

I’m also experimenting with some Fox Air Shocks in the front. The plan is to cross link them so that when one side compresses it forces the air into the other and expands it down. I hope to mimic a solid axle where it lifts the front more when climbing over rocks. Don’t know if it will work or not, but if it does, it will be cool!

This is how it sits now…


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CG said:
Nope, not broken yet

I sent my front diff to Auburn gear to see if their new Dana 35 Ected would work for us IFS guys…short answer is no, the case is just too different where the flange is. So I’ll be staying with the no-slip & brown wire mod till someone comes up with a selectable.

I had the guys at Dixon Bros Racing make me a set of their hardened axles & Porsche style Cv’s to better handle the 35” tires. These are the same axles they use for their long travel kit, just stock length. We did a mock up of some new upper a arms that would get about 2.5” of droop over the stock ones. The problem is the lower ball joint binds up…

I’ve got the Atlas transfer case going in as well & I’m going to add the Mag hi-tech rear diff cover.

I also did a bunch of fender trimming to clear the new tires, hopefully these flares will cover up my amateur work!

I’m also experimenting with some Fox Air Shocks in the front. The plan is to cross link them so that when one side compresses it forces the air into the other and expands it down. I hope to mimic a solid axle where it lifts the front more when climbing over rocks. Don’t know if it will work or not, but if it does, it will be cool!

This is how it sits now…

Sounds good, but you know it would have been easier just to do a SAS right ;) I start mine Next weekend :D

WTF is up with the dead cow on the front of your truck? I don't know about that man, unless it has red eyes and blow steam out the notreless :p LMAF

That skull is a riot! The kids found it when we were out in Baja & bungied it to the front.

It got better when I took the plastic horns off my viking helmet & stuck 'em on there.

We were driving through this little mexican village & this old woman, dressed all in black saw the truck comming & crossed herself & ran back inside :D

It's the EVIL cow head :D

Actually, it fell off a while back, I've got some big black bull horns on the front now ;)

Begin Hijack,

Hey CG,

Give us your thoughts on the Creepy Crawlers, off-road, on-road, everything. They are high on my list of next tires in the 37" flavor.

End Hijack.

The flares are not reletively cheap compared to other (less appealing) options. I first saw Pacer Flares @ JC Whitney and they seam to fit I/we need.. I hope they look half way decent as it would make my ride "legal" again.. I'm guessing I would get the surface mounts for the front and the lip mounts for the rear...

edit: I should have said they flares were cheap compared to other options..


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DeRocha said:
The flares are not reletively cheap compared to other (less appealing) options.

Jc Whitney, has them priced at about $80 bucks for complete set. That's not bad, compared with 300-400 :rolleyes: . I was reading up on the stuff they are made from. Pretty cool stuff, it's a synthetic rubber that was developed for roofing. 40 years ago. They say the roof's are still there and work, in Alaska, and the desert somewhere. I think the roofs come with a 20 year guarantee. Sounds like a good product. :thumbsup:
