Cobra Mustang by John Deere | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cobra Mustang by John Deere

Black Magic

Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
February 10, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer Street
Look at what I saw the other day at a Used Car lot arrond here. It is a Mustang Cobra painted John Deere Green and Yellow! OMG!

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:rolleyes: ok yea and who would drive that ??? well maybe me cousin becuz she likes john deere but o well it still ugly............


It would look fine if you got new wheels. Or paint those. I like the green:confused:

The green looks cool but the socks dont match . You went to school like that?

The yellow rims must go!!!!!!!

Heh, that'd go perfect with me and my dad's Model A John Deere. I can't beleive someone would love John Deere that much as to paint their COBRA John Deere colors. Case IH looks so much better on a car IMO.

my father would love that car. im e-mailing him the pics right now. i, on the other hand, would HAVE to get some new wheels on there. its one of those "hey, wouldnt it be cool if we..." ideas that should have never gone through.

yeah, i would have rather seen caterpillar yellow. its still a sick car, regardless of color
