CODE 341 - Octane Adjust Shorting Bar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CODE 341 - Octane Adjust Shorting Bar


December 2, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Chandler, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT
Alright I was looking for this shorting bar and I cannot find it... I know what this code means and I need to find the shorting bar to see if it is damaged but i have no clue what it looks like. I have been told on the first gens that it is under the hood by (ECC test connection), but i see a bunch of wires and im not sure what im looking for. And when I find it how do I know if it is good or bad? Has anyone had luck fixing this problem?

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I can help with what to look for, but that is all. Look for a harness that just "ends" with a black plug with a grey "jumper" stuck in it.

This is mine on my 5.0L. It installed is in the lower right, the loose one is just an extra I had sitting around.


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    octane bar.jpg
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awesome thanks so much!!! I found where it is supposed to be....But its not there...with the ford dealership have one?

A bump for ya, hoping one of the smart guys here will see this (because I would like to know myself). Not every Ford has the shorting bar installed in fact, I don't think there is one on my '95. I have seen many others also, that had the plug without the jumper, so if you don't have one, you may not supposed to have one.

But if you need to pick one up, go to the junkyard, and look under the hood of mid-nineties Fords. The yard will probably charge you a buck for one, if they charge you anything.

So can other people with first gens let me know if they have the shorting bar? It is under the hood on the left hand side right above the fuses...It should be a plug that just ends.. Tell me if you see a female plug...Thanks a lot!

yes its right behind the fuse bsank on the passenger side. I think all trucks have it. A ford machanic told me that if I remove it, it will trick the ECU into thinking there is cold air coming into the motor and it will give you a little more gittyup. When I removed mine, it just nocked and pinged a lot. I think it advances the timing.

Alright Thank you guys very much..I just need to find one now, there actually arent really in junkyards in Flagstaff so I will have to see if the dealership has one.

I can get you one if needed. I think you can just put a wire in there to I think. I could get one from a local yard probably free. Let me know and I'll swing out there. Hell I'll even throw in the shipping and handling. :D
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I can get you one if needed. I think you can just put a wire in there to I think. I could get one from a local yard probably free. Let me know and I'll swing out there. Hell I'll even throw in the shipping and handling.

That would be very nice of you!

Well I go out to this one place at least once a week so no big deal, and I think I can afford the 35 cents so no prob.


Back to the basics though, have you reset the computer and the code returned? Removing the bar should just adjust the timing a little, and allow you to run lower octane fuel without pinging. As mentioned, a lot of people just remove them, and I don't think all of them are running around with a constant CEL.

I dont have a constant CEL, its only on when im driving at speeds of around 75 which i do that a lot because of traveling from my home to school. I get horrible gas milage. I have a apten chip and Im running 91 octane which could also be why im getting a CEL.
