Colorado HOOTER'S night out Nov. 18th | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Colorado HOOTER'S night out Nov. 18th


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
June 25, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Loveland Co.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
We are planning a get together for November 18th at 4:00 P.M. at the HOOTER'S on Colorado BlVD.
Anyone interested let us know so we can kind of plan on how many people there will be.
This is just a chance for people in the area to meet some of the other Explorer owners.
Your welcome even if you don't drive a Explorer. (Even if it's a Trooper)
Looking forward to meeting everyone!!

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Perry & Teri
We will be driving the "PURPLE" mobile

[Edited by Perry on 11-07-2000 at 07:36 PM]

Perry I will be there. Probably as a Passenger in Maranda's Rodeo :D. Since my Explorer is in peices in teh garage.

Me too.

I will be there. I may be taking the Saturn depending, but I'll try to bring the Explorer for rusty and f'in bob and others that haven't seen it yet :).

Hey Rustytr,
Is your girlfriend going with, or is she going to be working that afternoon-evening?

Re: Can't Wait

Originally posted by Heath
Tara and I will be there...

Hey heath, is Tara brinin some friends? ;) Just kidding... looking forward to seeing everyone there!

I guess I will be there then. :) Grown ups night out. Even though I never thought my self esteem could handle this whole Hooter thing! LOL

Ryan's typing is bad... I'd edit it if I could...(I can Edit your post though!!! HA HA HA!)
Hey guys at least I don't have an Acura anymore!

[Edited by rpenner54 on 11-08-2000 at 07:21 AM]

Ah heck it should be fun. Who knows maybe I will put the Explorer back together enough to drive over there. I wonder what its like to drive without a fender. :)

I'll be there...

...if anyone needs directions, call MattDead Link Removed .

Gah well

Well..cant commit for sure but if I can make it itd be great to see some rides..check out some of the mods.
BTW I dont really think hooters is all that..I've been to a few in diff states...never been impressed...seems its the harley guys/gals or big tipper sports nuts that sit for 10 hours who get all the "service". Always thought it was a great location for club meetings tho..:D
If I show its the one with no front bumper..:(

This is just a reminder for everyone just in case someone might have forgotten (MATT)

We are planning a get together for November 18th at 4:00 P.M. at the HOOTER'S on Colorado BlVD.
Anyone interested let us know so we can kind of plan on how many people there will be.
This is just a chance for people in the area to meet some of the other Explorer owners.

We'll think of you guys while we're sitting around the campfire at Truckhaven!!

Truckhaven vs Hooter?

Uh, I'll be at Hooters early to catch the last of the Avs game, which starts at 2:00. I did get clearance from my better half, so its a plan! Dead Link Removed

F'in Bob

Since it sounds like you might be the first one there, go ahead and get a table for say 10 or 12. I think that is about how many are planning on showing up.

Make that 12-14

There is another couple that should be coming as well... Tommy and Kris, they just told me this afternoon that its a go...

I'll see what I can do.

I don't have a big Explorer banner or anything. We do need some sort of marker since I haven't met any of youse guys or girls. Should we have people give a brief description of what they look like? I'm medium height, medium build, black hair. I could wear my Avs shirt or something....Dead Link Removed

Trust me, if you can't spot me in a crowd don't even show up! :). I'll have on my shirt probably, I'm about 6' 9" 215 pounds, blond hair, young lookin :).

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:bounce:all Explorers or rides of attendees park together, then everyone sit at the table closest to where you can see your rides from outside. That way people already there can
see whos arriving, and everyone coming in can tell where the group is by where the people who are constantly looking out the window are. :hammer:
