Colorado people leaving for Moab | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Colorado people leaving for Moab


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
June 25, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Loveland Co.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
Well it looks like we will be leaving on the 30th around 10:00 A.M. which means we will get into Denver around 11:00 A.M.

We will be pulling a trailer and my folks will be driving there Explorer, so if anyone is interested in meeting up with us your welcome to. I know for some that is getting a late start and with the trailer we might not go as fast as some would like, but I thought I would throw it out.

I can't believe the poor showing of the Colorado people this year. We are going to let a bunch of Texans take over the group????
I just know I'm going to go have fun and I guess I'll have to have fun for those that aren't going also. :bounce:

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What time will you be going through Grand Junction? Name a time and place and I'll join up with you there.

Originally posted by mrboyle
What time will you be going through Grand Junction? Name a time and place and I'll join up with you there.

I don't know. How long does it take to get from Denver to GJ?

Sorry I can't make it. I will be going the next weekend though.:) Next year I hope to go with everyone.

I'll join you guys...

sorry won't be able to join that convoy. Wasn't able to get the time off work. Was able to get half of Friday off though. So I'll be heading up there and probably arriving in moab around 6pm or so.

Man I wish I was going with you guys. Moab is the Offroaders Disney Land. The Texan thing sucks, but what is even worse is I am living in Texas! College life would be funner if I had the mountians I used to. Oh well Ill be done in 2 years then Moab here I come Again!!

Wish I could be there too. This unemployment/lack of discressionary funding thing sucks! Well maybe next year! I soooo want to be able to qualify for the "moab edition" sticker. :D

well I will be going the southern Route so I will see you all there, and Perry we are tied with the Texans 7 to 7 since they were counting Gerald!

Originally posted by Perry

I don't know. How long does it take to get from Denver to GJ?

According to Mapquest it takes 4hours and 19 minutes to get from Denver to GJ. That would put you arriving a little after 3:00 (3:45 towing). If you'd like to meet up somewhere allong I-70 Let me know.

I talked to our outside salesman at work today and that is what he said figure 5 hours to GJ.

I also talked with my folks tonight and they would like to get a little earier start then that which is fine with me so we are thinking of starting out at 8:00 a.m. which would get us to GS for lunch then around 1:30-2:00 pm. to GJ.

That way we can get to Moab get checked in and give us some time to cruise main street. (all of 6 blocks)

mrboyle, I will PM you my cell number so we can get in touch with you when we get closer.


MRBoyle I told them to put your name on the room ticket too, but if they didnt it is under Marshall Graves and from the sounds of your and Perry's conversation I should beat you there!
