Complete PATS elimination? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Complete PATS elimination?


New Member
May 22, 2006
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Ft. Lauderdale
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Sport
I'm planning a full custom build on a 1998 Sport. I managed to lose the only key that I have for it, and would like to completely eliminate the PATS system. I won't be using the factory ECM at all; however, I need the ignition and electrical harness to function. Can I just replace the ignition cylinder with a non-PATS cylinder?

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i am not sure, but i can move this to another section where it will get seen by somebody that may know,,

so i did ,,

Basically, yes. If you aren't using the ECM at all, then PATS is not an issue, and you can use any ignition cylinder you like. You will probably have to do some wiring changes to enable components normally turned on by the ECM.

Basically, yes. If you aren't using the ECM at all, then PATS is not an issue, and you can use any ignition cylinder you like. You will probably have to do some wiring changes to enable components normally turned on by the ECM.

I just need basic functions I.e. 12 volt keyed ignition, headlights, turn signals, etc. I'm not sure what all the ecm controls as far as switched power
