Confirmed Version 2.11 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Confirmed Version 2.11

Loganfilm, is it working for you?

I'm telling ya- if it doesn't...


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I love Taco's! :D

Loganfilm, is it working for you?

He posted in another thread that it was working fairly well for him and he hadn't had a reboot since he got it installed. Of course he hadn't downloaded his phonebook yet, and for some reason his phone calls were dropping more than usual (but he thought it might be related to his network - AT&T)

Baby steps!


En Fuego! :D

En Fuego! :D

After finding video of the Durango en Flamado, you can see some yay-hoo walking around with a fire-extinguisher. Shame it never occurred to him to actually use it on the fire! :rolleyes:

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming....

After finding video of the Durango en Flamado, you can see some yay-hoo walking around with a fire-extinguisher. Shame it never occurred to him to actually use it on the fire! :rolleyes:

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming....

I suppose we shouldn't poke too much fun at the Durango given the overheating issues some have experienced..... although.... knock on wood, it's been awhile since I've seen another post on one and given the recent heatwave and all, perhaps most of the bad units have now been replaced?
