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cool law


Well-Known Member
October 19, 2003
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City, State
Virginia beach, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Explorer
there is a law in virginia that allows you to tow a vehicle to your property and it becomes yours as long as the vehicle has been parked on public property and has not been moved for 48 hours. You then have to send notification through DMV to the previous owners telling them you have there vehicle. if they dont go and get it or dont want it then its yours! Fathers employee snagged a nice mercedes and jag from a car dealership that shut down this way. Just had to hot wire it since he has no keys but free

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what in gods name are you talking about. If you are talking about stealing cars then you need a good ass beating along with your dads employee. You because you are so proud of it and your dads employee becuase he did it.

you sure your not reading something about theft?

Time for me to go rent an apt in VA and start a stealership!

no im serious. my das friend has done it. unless the cops are looking for him haha/

oh yea i know. this guy is a complete weird-o.

don't leave your durango unattended next time your in duluth patrick or im gonna steal it. i mean take ownership of it

We will trade then, I will steal your lawn mower, you take my Dodge.

man that isnt fair at could you give up such a great lawnmower.

gasouthern1- whyd you get rid of the "old X" that thing looks nice

It started having little problems and my parents didnt want to deal with them. I wanted a car that I could buy after I got outta college that was A) 4wd and B) would last me a while so I got the Dodge. We will see how long is lasts I guess...dont get too creative though, dont want your dad and his friends to come down and steal it.

Yes, it is a law here. Basically, it is for people who abandon vehicles and others pick them up. I thought the time that they had to be abandoned was longer than 48 hours, but I don't know.

This is NOT theft!!! The owners are contacted through certified mail by DMV and have a certain time frame to claim there vehicle.

I have never heard of anybody doing it in the city, where people park on public streets all the time, and leave there vehicles there for days, or even weeks at a time. I have known people who have done it with cars sitting on the side of the interstate or rural highways. I have two truly stand up guys who have done it..........they don't have to be "real winners". :rolleyes:

I am not too knowledgable on the specifics of the law, but it does exist.

That seems like stealing to me..but I guess it is all in how you see the law.

Its for truely abandoned vehicles. Like there was the suk parked on the side of I-65 by my house for over a week a few months back. I wish I could have taken it because it was obvious that the owner just didn't want to bother with it. If I could have taken it, notified the owner and if he/she was cool with it or didn't want to bother with it I get a free suk that probally ended up in some state impound or towed to a junk yard.

That just doesn't seem right to me. And what do you tell the cops when they catch you breaking into this parked car?

no you cant just break into it. it has to be towed onto your property then you can do whatever.

similar laws are all over the US.

If a vahicle is left abandoned it is public property.
You have a bunch of paperwork to fill out and then if it;s not claimed, its yours.

My upstairs neighbor in CO just left, he abandoned his condo and his FJ-40 project.
Eventually they evicted him, even his mother didnt know where he went (or at least she acted that way). He was either wanted or just so far in depbt he decided to go AWOL...he took all his stuff with him.

I could have claimed that Fj_40 as mine, but by the time my lazy ass got around to reasearching what needed to be done, they towed it away, now somebody else has got a sweet project...

In Colorado I believe the vehicle must have expired tags on it or be parked illegally. You cant just go to a mall and have a tow truck start picking out cars for you.....
