Corral Canyon Monday or Tuesday?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Corral Canyon Monday or Tuesday??

Looking at the weather report, maybe Monday would be better. Its supposed to dump rain on Tuesday. I wanted to go out for a few hours and run some trails. For those who have never been there, its about 45 minutes from San Diego. I-8 East to Buckman Springs Road, turn right, about five miles down turn off on the right is well marked. Head up the hill several miles to the staging area.

I have been there several times. It has some challenging trails, lots of rocks and narrow trails with hardly any bypasses due to heavy brush.

man, i haven't been there since i owned my first 2wd open diff ranger and i did the outer rim trail. i drove from LA on a friday started around 8pm and got home around 4 am. it was my first off road trip and i went in to work the next day super pumped!

anywho, when i get my front axles i would like to go back.
