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Coupon Codes for Forum Members - Genuine Ford Parts & Accessories

Hi Grant,
I sent you a code. If you need help verifying the part # please send me your VIN.

- Benny

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I got the email today from Ford about their 25% off accessories sale. Ordered factory rubber mats for my 25 Explorer and will pick them up at my dealer after thanksgiving!

Welcome to the Forum Grant.:wave:


Hi Benny. New user here. Silver '21 ST. I have the timberline skid plate in my cart on your site. (M-5018-EXP). Are these in stock? Can you provide a discount code? Thank you

Hi Benny. New user here. Silver '21 ST. I have the timberline skid plate in my cart on your site. (M-5018-EXP). Are these in stock? Can you provide a discount code? Thank you


Not in stock, On a 6-8 week backorder at this time.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
- Benny

Much appreciated. Wish you the same! Will order now and it comes when it comes! Thanks again
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


Hi Guys,

We have codes available for forum members so if your looking for Genuine Ford replacement parts or Accessories please let us know, Feel free to reply to this thread here and we will message you.


Hey, how’s it going? I appreciate the offer for the coupon codes and saving a few bucks! The only thing I had a question about is the fact that I live in Metro Detroit, will the coupon code still work in my local dealership? Either way, thanks again and looking forward to your response.

Please send the discount code.
Also looking for a Ford parts expert to help me find the right part number for the rear bumper harness in a 18 Explorer/FPIU within the part family JB5Z-15K868.
Please PM.

Please send the discount code.
Also looking for a Ford parts expert to help me find the right part number for the rear bumper harness in a 18 Explorer/FPIU within the part family JB5Z-15K868.
Please PM.

Sure but do you have the VIN?

- Benny
