Coupon Codes for Forum Members | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Coupon Codes for Forum Members

January 24, 2012
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Levittown, NY
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Hi Guys,

We have codes available for forum members so if your looking for Genuine Ford replacement parts or Accessories please let us know, Feel free to reply to this thread here and we will message you.



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Nice! This will come in handy.
Thanks, and glad to have you here!

Can you tell us if Ford discontinued the 91-94 Negative battery cables or not? I need one for a 94 XLT, and not sure about any of the aftermarket cables. Can you source one?

Nice! This will come in handy.
Thanks, and glad to have you here!

Can you tell us if Ford discontinued the 91-94 Negative battery cables or not? I need one for a 94 XLT, and not sure about any of the aftermarket cables. Can you source one?


Yes Ford discontinued this part however you may get lucky if you do a search for part # F3TZ-14301-E online. I am sorry we do not have any sources for it.


Hi Benny! Looking for a front passenger side seatbelt buckle assembly for a 2014 Police Interceptor Utility.

Benny, the attached vin # is from a new '20 Explorer w/o the luggage rails. Are the front to rear inserts available for purchase. Both left and right. If so, I want a set. The ones on my ST need to come off. They are sooooo ugly . . . . . Like my ex wife. ;)

Hi Mike,

I believe the numbers are
The data in the catalog is a bit funky I think because the VIN may be too new.

They are on a slight backorder and looking at the diagram these may be oversized to ship. Our selling price is about 414.00 on them
Please let me know if you may be interested.

Do I pay for them by cc or paypal ?

Thanks Mike quote sent, Either method is accepted at checkout. I applied the forum discount on the quote.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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