Cracked Valve Cover | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cracked Valve Cover


Active Member
December 11, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Little Rock
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 AWD XLT
Hey guys been a while since i have been on here. My wife has an 06 Explorer and last night on the way home, she said it was smoking and running rough. When i got home this morning there was a small puddle of oil under the truck and the CEL was on. Checked the engine light and it was random/multiple misfire. I noticed the smoke was coming from the back passenger side of the engine and upon further inspection, the valve cover is cracked about 3.5" along the top. Anyone else have this problem and I am having a hard time finding the part # and my stealership is being a jackwagon about giving me the part #. Any help would be appreciated.

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Is your truck 2003 ?

Wrong forum, but you still may get some responses.

Post it in the 01-05 section.

Good luck.

06. Old one was 03. Original post says 06

Assuming 4.0L ... Id check it out better, theres a very good chance the timing chain jumped and cracked the valve cover. There may be other engine damage.

In that case wouldn't I hear a little bit of racket and it be running rough? It idles and revs fine, just leaks the oil.

As snoranger suggested - I think replacing the valve cover might be the least of your worries. I would remove the said valve cover and see what jumped underneath it.
