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Craigslist Street Truck project FS


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

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$4k saves a Navajo wearing some explorer trim.

that has tons of work, but turned me off when it said there is no vin
Yeah, seems like with so much work done you’d have started with a clean vin, since the truck could have been in any condition.

I also don’t see how he expects a 5.0 to ever fit back in there between the hoops.

It has a title :)
A 302 should fit in there

With that said


Yeah, seems like with so much work done you’d have started with a clean vin, since the truck could have been in any condition.

I also don’t see how he expects a 5.0 to ever fit back in there between the hoops.
Is the steering box inside the frame rails? One reason projects like this get sold is the planning. I bet something was missed and he doesn't feel like correcting it, so knowing the project will never advance it can become someone else's problem when sold

Is the steering box inside the frame rails? One reason projects like this get sold is the planning. I bet something was missed and he doesn't feel like correcting it, so knowing the project will never advance it can become someone else's problem when sold
It looks like it’s almost inline with the hoops. Maybe they aren’t as tall as I’m thinking they are.
