Cranks but wont start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cranks but wont start


Active Member
July 28, 2005
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97 xlt
Ok. Ive searched this and i still dont have an answer for what might be wrong but my 97 4.0 will crank but wont start. It will do this occassionally and then not do it again for a while. I have fuel but it just wont fire. Sometimes it will do it and sit for few minutes then start and other times it has to sit for days. Code reader dont show nothing. The CEL comes on and goes off and back on while cranking. Almost seems like some kind of sensor or something. Any ideas???? Thanks

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crank position sensor

try cleaning your crank position sensor it may be dirty. the coil gets a signal from it to tell it to fire.

mine did the same thing and i just cleaned it and it fired right up and havn't had any trouble since.

its worth a try and its free.:D

well try this spray some starter fluid in the intake see if it starts if not you have a ignition problem if it does start then dies off then you have a fuel problem and get an obd II reader that would tell u whats going on with any of your sensors be carefull with starter fluid very flameable

Hope you've resolved this problem by now, but if not my '99 model was doing this and it turned out to be a small relay located at the front bumper end of the motor.

Mine does the same thing. Anybody else have anything to add?

That sound computer related or ignition check your fuses and relays also pull a plug and see if your getting any spark if you dont come up with anything I would take it in and get a diagnostic ran on it. It starting of and on is what point me towards the computer I had a grand cherokee do the same exact thing to me and it turned out to be the computer. It was around $500.00 so be sure to check all your connectors make sure they are clean and deffinatly check for spark it could be a simple as the coil pack. Keep us posted -best of luck-:salute:
