Crozet, VA 10th anniversary run chat thread | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Crozet, VA 10th anniversary run chat thread

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Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

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I have signed up!! I can't wait to get out on some new trails and attempt to break my truck a little bit. Let's get it goin!!


Got everyone's signup sheets so far.. I will put out a updated list in the near future.

I just signed up. As I said on the form, I'm stock now. But I've got 8 months to work on my truck. So, depending on how time and money goes, it may be a little more by then.

I just signed up. Just need to actually finish the rig now.

1. Bryan Mitchell BMXKing5 2-4 Plaque
2. John Ritter Unclemeat 2-4 Plaque
3. Jeff Draper JDraper 3 Plaque
4. John DeRocha DeRocha 3? Plaque
5. Josh Adams Josh Adams 1-3 Plaque
6. Chris Ladosky BoominXplorer 3 Plaque
7. Larry Barr Lbarr2002 1 Plaque
8. Jason Boyette Jasonb 4
9. Ben Lee Blee1099 3 Plaque
10. Chad Rogers Nissanboy 3-4 Plaque
11. Ben Steckiel BenS 3 Plaque
12. Tom Davis Tdavis 4+
13. Gerald Jarrett GJarrett 4 Plaque
14. Lindsy McKay Spas 2 Plaque

As you can tell, I've already signed up. It's still another 8 months or so away and I'm already ready for truck sure isn't though. :(

Lol.. Hell I was tempted to start a poll asking whether or not JasonB would have his Zuki ready for next year's run. :D

HAHA! He might be doing a little bit of welding for me in the next month or two. I'll see if any more progress has been made on the Zuk since I was last over there, a couple of months ago. ;)

Yeah... I cleaned all the randomn boxes and stuff out of the tub. Then put Explorer parts there and other boxes. Plus, I replaced the jackstands with some homemade ones because I needed the ones under it.

hey not really into wheeling are u all meeting at a camp or is it all on the trail? I would like to hang for a while w;/ you all if the schedual loosens up abit for me!,

jasonb said:
Yeah... I cleaned all the randomn boxes and stuff out of the tub. Then put Explorer parts there and other boxes. Plus, I replaced the jackstands with some homemade ones because I needed the ones under it.

Yeah, homemade. You mean cinder blocks.

I signed up. I will run everyhting they can lead us on within reason.... Not dropping off any ledges taller than my truck.

Hey jason, was one of those boxes of Explorer parts for me? lol.

By signing up on the list are we entering into a legal binding contract that we have to show up? Ide like to sign up, but i aint 100% positive ill be able to make it. Maye by than ill be 4x4. After last night, i determined i HAVE to have 4wd. Even if i dont show up with my truck, i might drive to GA and ride up there with BMXking.

Im in. My goal is to have a winch and some body protection.

BenS said:
Yeah, homemade. You mean cinder blocks.

naw man... landscape timbers yo. :confused:

Josh Adams said:
Hey jason, was one of those boxes of Explorer parts for me? lol.

actually.. yes.. yes it was. :cool:

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Do we need to sign up if we're riding along with someone. Aw hell, who knows, I may be lifted by then ;)

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