Dana 28 or 35 ? Help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dana 28 or 35 ? Help!


New Member
September 2, 2007
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1994 Eddie Bauer
I have searched all the code lists and still cannot figure out if I have a Front Dana 28 or 35 on my 1994 Explorer.

I have found the stamped codes on the front of the axle ..

1563 (far left)

P 2504 1 (grouped above the following numbers)
46285 A

Can someone please help me ?


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Welcome to the forum. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the reply... Just for my reference ... how can you tell ?

This may sound stupid ... but can you tell by the number of splines on the end of the axle shafts behind the hubs? Or are the splines of no importance ?

Does that code tell the fear ratio also ?


d35 is the only front axle that came in 1st gen explorers :)

OK, that is also what I have read... but what through me off was that when I went to Auto Zone to get some ball joints ... they asked if I had a Dana 28 or a Dana 35

Wonder why they would give that option

OK, that is also what I have read... but what through me off was that when I went to Auto Zone to get some ball joints ... they asked if I had a Dana 28 or a Dana 35

Wonder why they would give that option

Because whoever programmed the stupid computers there (and at every other chain store) was a friggin' moron.

(occasionally they'll also ask you if you have a 3.45 gear ratio, too (like it matters for anything outside of the differential chunk). Telling them you do results in getting parts for a '83-'89 Ranger truck, that obviously wouldn't fit it at all).
