DB Electrical alternator | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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DB Electrical alternator


Explorer Addict
September 27, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage, Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Explorer XLT AWD 5.0L
anybody know anything about these?
I'm wanting to upgrade the alt in my Sploder... I hate seeing the ammeter drop when I have my heater and headlights on at a stop light.
I've also looked into the Mean Green alternators, and those definately look good; just more costly.

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I still have the stock amp.. soooo, 130 I believe?
and I do have a lot of accessories; but even with the stereo turned off, if I have the front and rear heaters on, the headlights on, and I come up to a stop light, the ammeter drops; and of course drops even more if I have the rear window defroster on.
a dual batter setup may help, but since the stock alt isn't pushing enough amps for stock accessories, I'd rather just upgrade the alt.

oops, I see you asked how many amps the replacement is.
The only upgrade-replacements I've seen for Sploders are 200 amp, and the the DB Electrical and Mean Green I've seen are 200 amp.

already replaced the alt once.
same issue with old and new alts.
I figure I just need a higher amperage alt.
