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Deathrow Update #3

And here we are, last one being the 4WD switch, also going to be the most of a pain deciding the best approach for it. Now, to also wait for the last of my leds to come in and take some time for the guage cluster.


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So, taking her in on Monday to have the front dif looked at and get an estimate. Hopefully have them go ahead and start on it. But in the meantime, ordering bulbs for the interior. For the most part I know what i need but I found the ones behind the: rear wiper, fog light, etc.. have a bulb I hadn't seen before. If anyone has some insight to where I can find these as blue leds, please feel free to share. That and the steering wheel button lights.

Links to my light sources (WIP):
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The bulb have colored silicone boot over clear bulb.

The bulb have colored silicone boot over clear bulb.
Yeah, I just was hoping to find a plug and play version as led. Ended up soldering an led in, which went nice and easily. For the 4WD switch, I did switch the boot/filter from my green to the older blue one temporarily though, shredded the old green in the process. But I'm working around options for swapping that to led as well. I do appreciate it though, I honestly didn't think they'd be removable when I first saw it, not easily removable at least!

Yeah, I just was hoping to find a plug and play version as led. Ended up soldering an led in, which went nice and easily. For the 4WD switch, I did switch the boot/filter from my green to the older blue one temporarily though, shredded the old green in the process. But I'm working around options for swapping that to led as well. I do appreciate it though, I honestly didn't think they'd be removable when I first saw it, not easily removable at least!
Be careful. They are bake on. You can heat them up with a heat gun to remove them.

Finally, all of them are finished up, next step is the guage cluster which I may do on Tuesday if I don't get called in to work. This was a customized led, the one I ordered didn't, have the lining on the bottom sides of the housing to connect on top of the circuit board. So we used the old halogen's housing and swapped the led innards over to the halogen housing, which worked like a charm! A bit of at tight fit and longer than before, but it works

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Well after over 5 hours, the guage cluster is relit, still not how I wanted it because I didn't safely know how to take the faces off and sand the filter. Let alone recalibrating everything when I put it back together. So I only did the bulbs and I'll finish it up at a later day since know I do have a much better idea of what I'm doing. The theft light, I didn't even bother right now with it's odd wiring. I'll take some picture tonight when you can see it. If anyone has some tips on getting the needles and faces off, then recalibrating everything, please let me know, want it done as soon as possible haha

Well, this is how it looks without me sanding the back of the faces. Honestly, looks really good even like this, so, no rush on taking it apart to sand it. But I did find that some of the leds like the 4wd ones, check engine, airbag, and a couple others are always on, just dim, when the lights are on. Actually fully lit when its fully active, but they still stay on when they should be off, so I need to mess with that. The best part, I can see my temp and gas guage at night now, haha


The steering wheel buttons are high wear items, if you can find them NOS, that will be the best way. I got mine NOS about 10 years back, for around $40 IIRC.
I got the Steering wheel buttons/Cruise controls through Amazon, $28.00

I got the Steering wheel buttons/Cruise controls through Amazon, $28.00
Yeah but they don't tell me which color they are, the green or the blue. Usually when I look at them, just says it's for a 95-01 Explorer, which could be either or. So I haven't bothered with that yet, as well as I'd end up taking apart my old ones to try an led swap like a crazy

So, question, anyone have any tips for wiring some grill lights to work with the headlights? I've been putting it off but I'd like to finally work with it and I'm not sure on where would be best to hook them to for the headlight switch. Like these for example


Yeah but they don't tell me which color they are, the green or the blue. Usually when I look at them, just says it's for a 95-01 Explorer, which could be either or. So I haven't bothered with that yet, as well as I'd end up taking apart my old ones to try an led swap like a crazy
The light in the steering wheel switches are laser welded connection. You can wrap the leads of the new lite around the solder joints. Or crazy glue them.

So, question, anyone have any tips for wiring some grill lights to work with the headlights? I've been putting it off but I'd like to finally work with it and I'm not sure on where would be best to hook them to for the headlight switch. Like these for example

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I used the Low beam headlight power at the bulb
to power Up a relay
and then used the relay to power the light of your choice from the battery
Don't forget a inline fuse for your new lights
If you need a diagram ill make you one in the morning ;)

I used the Low beam headlight power at the bulb
to power Up a relay
and then used the relay to power the light of your choice from the battery
Don't forget a inline fuse for your new lights
If you need a diagram ill make you one in the morning ;)
I would certainly appreciate the diagram! Thanks, need to get some more inline fuses, thanks for the reminder on that!

Just saw this- the blue makes it look a bit more modern! The green has a 90s/early 2000s feel to it but the blue feels more modern. Maybe I ughta do that to. Since I have the clear headlights that make it look alot newer
