Deathrow Update | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Deathrow Update


- When In Doubt, Redneck It Out -
Elite Explorer
February 21, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Jacksonville, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 C1500
Well, shes officially painted a new Satin Black with a green pinstripe. Put smoked lenses on the moonvisor, need to hook it up still; need to put the brush guard back on as well. But she still has the issue of I've tried every fix for theft mode but nothing works. So I'm talking to some locksmiths about new keys and reprogramming. But shes definitely earned her name of Deathrow: when she runs right, she'll whoop your expectations but sadly lately half the time she seems like shes the one on deathrow, for example right now.


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I hope she wins a reprieve from the Governor and gets back on the road ;)

That looks very good, and better than mine. I named mine Black Coal, since it is rough and just a black truck. I'll uncover the diamond inside one day, and polish it up to a sweet red.

Work on the key issue, which isn't that bad once you have a handle on how the PATS operates.

That looks very good, and better than mine. I named mine Black Coal, since it is rough and just a black truck. I'll uncover the diamond inside one day, and polish it up to a sweet red.

Work on the key issue, which isn't that bad once you have a handle on how the PATS operates.
I wish you luck on your explorer! That's a neat name choice, that reason fits mine sometimes! lol

Mine had some sloppy body paint work, much of it is a dull finish. I got it because it was solid without any rust, which is getting harder to locate.

Mine had some sloppy body paint work, much of it is a dull finish. I got it because it was solid without any rust, which is getting harder to locate.
Well mine ain't the greatest, the pinstripe overlaps itself in several places where the cut it and put a new strip to continue it. They didn't sand the truck; so its just primed, painted, and coated over the old red. It's not smooth in several places. Peeled a little in one spot on the roof. Just some things here and there, but from a distance like the photo, you cant see that crap. And for $3000, honestly that's what I expected for a paint job, especially since the other places estimated like $8,500 because it was satin and the size of the vehicle.
