Default rear view camera, full view | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Default rear view camera, full view


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2014
Reaction score
Prescott, AZ
City, State
Prescott, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Platinum
I have the premium technology package on my Platinum 2020 Explorer. Does anyone know if you can change the normal split view camera when in reverse to default to the full screen. I can access it but it requires a touch of the screen every time I put the transmission into reverse.

T Bill

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It's a terrible format with the two camera views beside each instead of one on top of the other. Complete waste of the large screen.

I agree, perhaps it will be fixed in a software update, one can only hope;).

This one gets my vote. When backing up the first thing I do is turn off the split screen in favor of the wide angle. The split view needs to be optional rather than default.

It's a terrible format with the two camera views beside each instead of one on top of the other. Complete waste of the large screen.
That display works well on the large 10.1" horizontal screen in the Aviator. It's unfortunate that the display orientation can't be reconfigured in the verticle display.


Whomever designed the layout for the 10.1 inch portrait screen really needs to:
A. Go out, purchase a vehicle and actually drive one. I swear the people that designed this and approved it have never owned a vehicle since cassette tapes were all the rage.
B. Find a new line of work

Hands down, the placement of the different modules on this screen is awful. Such a waste of space. I have yet to have someone sit in the passenger seat and NOT state how terrible the layout of the cameras are when in reverse. Do 3 selection buttons really need to take 50% of the screen real-estate? Rear view camera should take the top 50%. 360 view bottom right side and the 3 selections to the left of the 360 view. I also don't care to see what song is playing on the lower half of the display while I am already viewing the song on the top half while in Apple CarPlay mode.


Please tell us that someone over there is working to fix these layout complaints and screen space utilization.

That layout is designed to fit the regular screen perfectly. Camera is half of the screen and everything else is split evenly with no empty spaces. Maybe I would have taken the tablet looking screen but my sales person and also the main manager told me not to expect any updates or change of layout to the screen any time soon.

I could forgive them for not offering the default widescreen, but SYNC glitches on startup every time and I can’t access the camera view switch buttons. I’m forced to squint at a screen size smaller than the base Escape I’ve been using as a loaner that understandably has the smallest and cheapest screen to comply with the new backup camera law.

I more wish I could remote start SYNC instead of the engine to give it time to properly boot.

.............. but SYNC glitches on startup every time and I can’t access the camera view switch buttons.
Is that why your Explorer is at the dealer?


Is that why your Explorer is at the dealer?

My Explorer is in for the sloshing gas tank, suspension noises, and missing under body panel. Is this SYNC glitching something a dealer would help address?

My Explorer is in for the sloshing gas tank, suspension noises, and missing under body panel. Is this SYNC glitching something a dealer would help address?
It is also covered under warranty.

