Diamond Clear Corners Install on a '99 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Diamond Clear Corners Install on a '99


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
Due to the consummate cluster f**** in attempting to get diamond corners from another supplier on a group buy, I decided to simply order them from an E Bay seller ( assembleweb http://feedback.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=assembleweb ). This transaction was flawless and simple. The seller provided immediate Fed Ex tracking data. I highly recommend this seller. The packaging of the corners was outstanding. The cost was $58.95 to my door.

I was pleasantly surprised to find these clear corners to be as nice ( quality wise ) as OEM and much better looking,

The installation is a extremely simple 2 screw ( per corner housing ) removal and disconnection of three light plugs. Replacement is just the reverse. Total installation time was about 10 minutes.

Given that I wanted the nice clean look of non-amber bulbs, I opted for Sylvania SilverStar 3157 bulbs ( http://www.costore.com/performanceshop/productenlarged.asp?peid=34&pid=298206 ); these bulbs appear a silverish color when not illuminated and amber when energized. Unfortunately I had to install without SilverStars; I wnt to 5 different auto parts stores and none had a single 3157.

These corners add the finishing tough to a much “cleaner” lustrous look to the Explorers front when combined with the diamond clear headlights. I can’t wait to get the SilverStars in there.


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Those look very nice indeed. I also ordered the corneres from the same supplier and should be here this Monday.

I noticed you're still having moisture in your headlamps though. Did you ever attempt to seal them? My diamond headlights just arrived yesterday and although they look decently put together, i'm still questioning sealing them with something.

Otherwise, great job!

They look bad ass Al great job bro

LiKuiD said:
Those look very nice indeed. I also ordered the corneres from the same supplier and should be here this Monday.

I noticed you're still having moisture in your headlamps though. Did you ever attempt to seal them? My diamond headlights just arrived yesterday and although they look decently put together, i'm still questioning sealing them with something.

Otherwise, great job!

I no longer have a fogging problem. The vent tube and a bead of silicone on the top surface seam ( I did not remove the housing to seal all over ) did the trick.

By all means, seal your new headlights.

autozone has them... or atlest the one by my house does

not so sure about kragen

Excuse while I go pout in the corner. :(

They look great Al! Can't wait till I can eventually get mine!

once i get my refund from the GB...i'm gonna buy um off ebay, then just gotta get the diamond headlights, love how those look and thanks for the little write up!

Here are two pictures of the corners at night.

Sorry for the poor quality of the pics.


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Looks great Al! Nice job, man. :thumbsup:

wait so you just ordrerd the side markers? not the actual signals?

im confused

i swear i thought my front side markers were yellow, ill have to check

Saleen_SR71 said:
wait so you just ordrerd the side markers? not the actual signals?

im confused

i swear i thought my front side markers were yellow, ill have to check

I have no clue as to what you are saying???????????

The corner light housing holds 3 bulbs; 2 anber ( or silverstar type ) and 1 white.

those are new housings called diamond clear corners, i think he ment that he attempted to buy new bulbs but they didn't have the ones he wanted?

Looks familiar. ;)

aldive said:
I have no clue as to what you are saying???????????

The corner light housing holds 3 bulbs; 2 anber ( or silverstar type ) and 1 white.

the side marker bulb (whte as you say)
and turn signal bulbs (amber)

yeah three bulbs per lense, but i was just saying my sidemarker bulb i think was yellow

i know they are diamond clears, i was the second one on this forum to have them

ok yeah my original side marker light was yellow... (have it right next to me)

yours was a clear one?

Saleen_SR71 said:
ok yeah my original side marker light was yellow... (have it right next to me)

yours was a clear one?

I am still confused as to what you are attempting to ask????????????????????

As previously stated, the corner houses three bulbs, 2 amber and 1 white.

In the front view photograph ( stock corner ), the upper left is the white light, the right is amber as is the lower left.

The rear view ... the left and lower right are amber, upper right is white. In other words, the large"holes" are for amber bulbs.


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:thumbsup: They look great I also just received the one's I purchase of ebay on Saturday.
It's to bad the GB went south but that's ok by Monday wrong the one's will be back at PCP door's.
The diamond look great even on my Mounty . And to all those waiting like the saying goes good :D thing come to those who wait. No bulb upgrade yet.


A few more pictures in better light .....


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Wow they look great!! I really can't wait to get mine now :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
