Dirty Jersey Off-Road BBQ | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dirty Jersey Off-Road BBQ

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Well-Known Member
December 30, 2006
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Was a '99 Sport

OK, So maybe I can entice all you lazy bums with food, booze, a pool, and warm weather.

I've been saying this since February we need to sit down and have a true club meet. As of right we are just a name and nothing outside of that. There is no structure to the club. The only two people around here with titles are myself as your webmaster and Brenden "Spabula" as acting treasurer since he's still paying for the domain right now. I'm kinda tired of being the only one that really knows what's going on.

I'm thinking some weekend in mid to late August (my b-day is the 11) we all meet up at my place. If possible we could shoot for a Sunday that way around 5-ish we could all cruise down (about 1.5 miles) to the local car show. I've shown up there before completely caked in mud they (the people running things) don't care, besides I know all of them.

State your thoughts and what not. I'll be monitoring this thread and update as need be.

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

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Sounds like something I'd be interested in. Mid August sounds good to me, especially the Sunday part.


All your names are belong to me :confused::

Aaron (V8BoatBuilder) - Interested in said BBQ
Amanda (Aleej) - No Vehicle
Andrew () -
Andy (MustangAndy) - Running the BBQ
Art (Arctan) -
Bill (N/A) -
Brendan (N/A) -
Brenden (Spabula) -
Chris () -
Dan (HunterDan) - Interested in said BBQ and possible show
Gene (N/A) -
Jason (Paraphoe) - Busy every weekend
Jay (SuRrEaLNJ) -
Jeff (killswitchfan134) -
Joe (MudBug94) - Good to go
John (924dr4x4) - Possible - depends on work schedule
John R. (jwrezz) -
Jon (Jonlax) -
Josh (joshuaj0214) -
Kory (emtkfresh) -
Lindsy (Spas) -
Martin (Lefy) -
Matt (sk1er17) -
Mike (MustangForMikey) -
Rich (Version0069) -
Ryan (BogFather) - Currently in Canada :can:
Sal (N/A) -
Scott N. (N/A) - Co-worker
Scott W. (N/A) -
Steve (steventadams) -
Tom (Supyo24) - Best buddy and practically next door neighbor

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

yo im down for sure

id lovw to however i just pulled all six codes out of my check engine light yesterday.. and guess what... i need a trans... so unfortuanitly im out till i can get another vehicle on the road... my truck will now become matts test dumy for auto trans rebuilding... oh well.. oh and for those of u know the trooper still needs an engine, hes had like no time to work on it.. being thsat his job has him on call every god dam night.. oh well sorry guys

No promises here. I've got a ton of **** to get done on my weekends, and this one and the next are not free to get anything done either. I need to get health insurance squared away, my volunteer fire dept application done and training begun, and get to PENNDot to try to pass the motorcycle written exam. Not to mention switching my registration from NJ to PA. :(

Where exactly do you live in NJ again?

Where exactly do you live in NJ again?

Jefferson Twp. to be exact. City of Oak Ridge - Milton side of town.

Exit 34B off of Rt. 80 - rt.15 south to Berkshire Valley Road.

Ridge Road if you come up 23 N.

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

oak ridge road?

Just noticed this, late August is best for me. I'll stay tuned.

if i dont have work that late that day,i can make it,my hours vary,one day i can get done at 11:00 am,next day i can get done at 4:00 pm,so ill let you know as it gets closer

oak ridge road?
Yep, or Reservoir Rd. It's your choice

Just noticed this, late August is best for me. I'll stay tuned.


if i dont have work that late that day,i can make it,my hours vary,one day i can get done at 11:00 am,next day i can get done at 4:00 pm,so ill let you know as it gets closer

OK x2.

So what day sounds good? the 24th with rain of 31st or the 31st with rain of Sept. 7?

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

I'll keep my eyes & ears open. My weeks are getting crazy busy. Wedding last weekend, wedding this weekend. My wedding is in September. My bachelor party is sometime between now and my wedding. I have a family reunion in September also. I just found out theres a weekend coming up where I have to go to my fiances family picnic thing :confused::confused::confused::confused:

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