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Dirty Jersey Off-Road

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December 30, 2006
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Was a '99 Sport
Okay, seeing as how Sunday's attendance was rather tiny we'll do this online where we know everyone will see it, eventually. This should have taken place Sunday, but nobody was really around.

Here is a list of things that need to be discussed. If you feel I've missed something post it and I will add it to the list. I will also keep this thread as a running discussion about CLUB RELATED ISSUES. This is not a BS thread let's try and keep it on track.

First up - KEY MEMBERS

Who will be:
President of DJOR?
As president you keep the club intact and on track. If there's ever a problem you make the executive decision. Basicly you're in charge.

Vice President of DJOR?
You are second in command. President not around? You're in charge.

Treasurer for DJOR?
You're in charge of any money we collect. votes will determine what it's used for - i.e. pay for the web site, charity, etc...

Secretary of DJOR?
If we ever have a meeting on the trail you'll be in charge of taking notes of what happened.


How long does some one hold the position they're voted into?


This club was founded by Explorer/Mountaineer owners. Do we want to keep it exclusively this way with a few one-offs? Or open the club to everyone?

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

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1) Do we really need positions? I would vote for a group vote/decision making process over solid positions.

2) See #1

3) I say open to all. No need to limit ourselves. We're not gonna meet that many drivers of other vehicles anyway, being that we hang out on an Explorer site.

Andy, expect an email from my friend I mentioned in the other thread, the guy with the lifted Bronco on 38's, to join the club in the next few days. Just a heads up.


Also I know Jason and I aren't the only two in this club. Where are the rest of you guys and gals?

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

I'm kind of with Jason on this, do we really need all that stuff? I can't see a need for it until there are more members. Most of us are on this board and communicate pretty efficiently though here. I do think we should have a president, just someone to keep on top of things, and keep things organized for now, unless you feel that at this point that is just too much for one person to do. I actually think it would be a better idea to do some kind of meet and greet and talk about this, sit down somewhere, have a bite to eat and talk things over.

That was what Andy wanted to do this past Sunday, but too many people bailed. Maybe we can talk it over on the 5th/6th or at Englishtown?


Also I know Jason and I aren't the only two in this club. Where are the rest of you guys and gals?

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

3600 miles away in grafenwoer germany...............

Der Zuhälter

Well gentlemen, I told my parents I was going to take my truck to the Pine Barrens this summer when I got home from Ohio to do a little offroading and it didn't go so well. They responded with "You mean your going to take OUR truck to the Pine Barrens?" Then they just laughed together as I walked away with my tail between my legs. Technically the car is under their names so it sounds like its going to be a road queen until I get around to buying it off of them.

I dont think having positions for the club is such a bad idea. Even though it may not be quite necessary at this point, it maybe a good idea to get it rolling cuz there are less members at this point. I think reguardless of the size of the club the frame work for a good organization still needs to be in place.


yea positions might be a good idea to get a few people to handle things as in where to meet and to organize dates and stuff

I figured as far as organizing runs, it might not be a bad idea to spread the load among a few different people, have one guy set up a run one month, have another guy do it the next and so on, that way it isn't always the same guy trying to get everything in order. I just wish I could have gone on this one since I started the thread and everything, but I will be out to one eventually even if its just to ride along and take pictures. I myself wouldn't mind being part of the organization crew getting runs together, etc. But I think if we want people to hold positions, it will be tough to pick the guys off the forum as it would take a lot of space and time to go through it all. I saw we do the basics at this point, get a president and a VP for now who can oversee the club until we can get everything else organized. Maybe nominate people for the other positions and then vote on the next run or meet. I'm all for getting organized, I can't stand when things are just a cluster, but to try and do it all via the net would get messy I think. The next few weeks for me are going to be insane as I try to get things in order with my truck, and buy a new one. So I might not be as active on here, but I will be around here when I get the chance.


Both links on the website, the Feb 3rd one and the March 9th one both take you to pictures from March 9th. There doesn't seem to be any pictures from Feb 3rd up anymore.

does anybody have a computer that can recalibrate my speedo for bigger tires?? I'm getting new tires this weekend probably

You're a 95? I think you have to do the gear change, not the re-programming.

You got more than enough time to order the gear. It takes like 15 minutes to change. I ordered my gears for $8 a pop shipped from http://lowpricegears.com/. Site seems to be under construction right now, but see if you can contact them.

Anyway, let's try to keep this thread about club and website issues. If you wanna talk about the gears, PM me or start a different thread.

Andy, if you can take care of the photos, that would be sweet. Thanks man.


Both links on the website, the Feb 3rd one and the March 9th one both take you to pictures from March 9th. There doesn't seem to be any pictures from Feb 3rd up anymore.

Well now that was just stupid of me.........I used the Feb 3 page to build the Mar 9 page and saved both as Mar 9. Good thing I had a back-up on my home comp. I'll clean it up at work tommorrow but for now they're right.

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

Andy, if you want you can update the photo on the website for my new truck, 2008 Nissan Frontier King Cab
SE V6 4x4




Edit... Pictures added

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i agree with bendon i think if were gonna choose positions it should be done early to set up a good base

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