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Dirty Jersey Off-Road

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i hereby oficially nominate myself to fufil the position of club lackey

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Sorry for the long absence guys but its time for me to put my 2 cents in :D

First off I think positions are great. especially for guys that can make it all the time, I know damn well that prob won't be me. but for me if acceptable with you guys and everything going on. I would like to work with the Treasurer, and start marketing!!!

Idea #1: Buisness cards... No one specific on the card, just who we are and what we do and the website a catchy slogan like

DirtyJerseyOffRoad.com - Its not just a hobby, Its a lifestyle!!

Idea #2: T-Shirts, Hoodies, Hats, and Grease Monkey button downs, I like the button downs with patches over each side of the chest, on the right it would say your nickname or your truck name or your name and on the right chest DJOR Crew

More ideas to come

Good **** Rich, I like. You swinging by Englishtown to chill for a bit?

If your talking about next weekend then yes i'm coming to the swap meet

Yep, that's what I was talking about. See ya there. :D

hey rich make sure ya look for a 4wd motor for your truck and get your 4wd workin again so u can come offroading with us

hey rich if ur looking for one for u look for one for me too!!! 97 4.0 ohv sport auto trans thanks!!! call me if u find one (shooting u a pm)

ok guys,since the new paragon park is already closed down,.does any1 wanna set a date for like the middle or end of may for a run to lebanon or one of the other state parks and do some wheeling??let me know and ill call around to the parks and see if we are allowed to wheel there

call around and let us know of the goods and im always down to wheel you know that

Any news or updates? Maybe a meet in the near future? ECX has been dead for a few days.

ok i finally got exact pin point of when i will be coming home. June 15th till july 8th i will be back in PA so if anyone wants to do a run let me know. Any day i will be free but one sunday since i will be proposing to my girlfriend in northern new jersey.


any1 interested in a run next sunday??i got rich's 4x4 workin again (version0069)
but its makin a clickin noise really loud from the drivers front side

1) Do we really need positions? I would vote for a group vote/decision making process over solid positions.

2) See #1

3) I say open to all. No need to limit ourselves. We're not gonna meet that many drivers of other vehicles anyway, being that we hang out on an Explorer site.

I second that! Democratic Socialism!

Sorry but I just tuned in. I think we all should try to get together and discuss it. It amazes me how much this has jumped off topic! We should try to set a date in advance so people came have time to make plans. I think wharton would be a great place to get together. There is plenty of room, 90% of the trails accomodate stock trucks, and there is even a diner down the street from the ranger station. I can also attempt the trails in 2WD!

What's the deal with the logo decals? I'd really like one. Did you say you had some John, or was someone supposed to get them made up?

John said something about a guy he knew had a vinyl plotter.

And has ANYBODY heard from Brenden? Last time I spoke with him was when my URL decals were overdue for delivery. We are 6 months into our freebie site because of his generosity, and we should start looking to the future. Yes, we seem legit, but let's make it a reality.

You know my title

I'm worried about him because he mysteriously stopped contacting me in the middle of my exchange with him about bearing hubs (when my front suspension needed work 2 months ago). No one has heard from him since...

I asked him to bring some to the last run he said he was giong to attend and he never got back to me!

jay..my friend has them made up,i just gotta go get them and stop being lazy and workin so much,im workin 2 jobs now,and i gotta do a crap load of work to my front end,gotta do new tie rods,end links,power steering is leakin,and nothing is sealing it so i gotta put in a new p/s pump,so its no longer for sale,lol,ill see if i can get my friend to drop them off over here one day during the week

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Hey guys.......... long time, no talk. Well, first off I would like to apologize to Jason about totally shafting him on getting him the hub. So if you ever need anything brother, let me know I definately owe you one. ( BTW i still have the hub if you still need it).
Sorry for falling off the face of the earth but I am going through a divorce and life has definately not been all roses for the last few months. I won't even go into the details or I'll be up all night writing and this post would be as long as a book!!
So.... my truck hasn't moved in a few months, until today. Changed my rear brakes. I still need tires and a new radiator...
And I still have DJOR decals if anyone is still interested. Just let me know!!


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