Do the generic ford wire adapters at Crappy Tire work for 1st gens? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Do the generic ford wire adapters at Crappy Tire work for 1st gens?


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2001
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AB, Canada
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01 blazer lt
I have a Pioneer 1600 on the way to replace the one that was stolen, they took my adapter too.

At Canadian Tire they have the generic Ford cd deck adapters - will this work? Suggestions? :)

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well i always buy my cheap adapters from walmart and they work just fine.....very cheap and i haven't had a problem with them yet.

i would think that they would be of similar quality

When I had my last deck installed (for free obviously) the installer was wondering which system I had because there were 2 different adapters for the 1st gen explorer?

There are two versions...chances are you will need the premium sound harness.

I have installed those Canadian Tire harnesses in 3 X's now...all work great.

Cool, thnx for the answers.

I never looked real close but I thought I only saw adapters basically saying "Ford years 1989-1995" Not those exact years, but I mean nothing specifically saying Explorer.

yes there are 2 diffrent adapters for ford radio's one is grey and wide while the other is black here is a pic of both

the grey one is the regular adapter the square one is for the amp(premium sound) which I took out and totally bypassed the amp by running new wires

In Cantadia are stereos called tires? :p


huskyfan23 said:
In Cantadia are stereos called tires? :p
Canadian tire is like a cross between American stores like Target, Firestone, Wall Mart and home Depot.

Went and exchanged it - thnx for all the help!

I guess I don;'t have to connect all the wires on that adapter? the grey one has a bunch of wires that don't match up to my harness that came with the Pioneer deck.

The smaller square connector, everything matches up...

yeah i got something done wrong...player looks like it plays the sound though.

gone for supper.
